Wonderful review! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out / Sie hat nicht nur ihre Eltern und ihre Schwester verloren, nein, sie ist auch anders und wird von ihresgleichen nicht so wirklich akzeptiert. Middle Grade books are fun to read because they take me back to the times of teenage angst and coming of age stories. But life isn't always what one has been taught.
Doch nun ist die junge Willa die Letzte, die diese Waldmagie beherrscht. It’s amazing how much intricate worldbuilding there are in these middle grade books. Vor seiner Zeit als Autor war Robert Beatty ein sehr erfolgreicher IT-Unternehmer einer der Pioniere im Bereich Cloud Computing. Willa of the Wood is a sweet and fun middle grade children's book. A small woodpecker she helps and the wolves who help her are put a small example of her adventures. She’s been taught to despise them and steal from them. This is the kind of story that draws you in and holds you captive! Von Anfang an wird der Leser Zeuge von Willas Andersartigkeit und somit gleichzeitig von der Fantasie, mit der sie und ihre Welt erschaffen wurde. Der Autor spielt mit Kontrasten zwischen ihrem alten Leben, der Dunkelheit darin, Tod, Zerstörung und Hass und den neuen Dingen denen Willa begegnet, wie Freundschaft, der Schönheit von Flora und Fauna, sowie Vertrauen.
In den Tiefen der Wälder lebt ein geheimnisvolles Volk, die Faeran. Willa is a beautiful and very strong character. „Willa ist das letzte Kind des Waldes In den Tiefen der Wälder lebt ein geheimnisvolles Volk, die Faeran.
Willa, a young night-spirit, is her clan's best thief. The book is told through her voice alone, and it is a very distinctive and beautiful one. You have entered an incorrect email address! Ein besonderes Augenmerk wurde auch auf die Stimmung gelegt. She protects them from the humans even as she steals from them. This sets off a string of events, leading Willa to discover the sinister nature of her clan's leader and the greed of the logging company which is infringing on her homeland. Except for her mamaw (grandmother0 and the Padaren (leader) the rest of the clan was not that well developed.
Doch nun ist die junge Willa die Letzte, die diese Waldmagie beherrscht. Willa muss sich entscheiden: Welchen Preis … I’ve only read the first Serafina book, but found it so enchanting. Follow Confessions of a Serial Reader on WordPress.com. Die Faeran sind in großer Gefahr, denn die Menschen rücken immer näher.
Willa is a well developed character with a deep love of the animals around her. Willa of the Wood by Robert Beatty Publication Date: July 10, 2018 Summary from NetGalley: Move without a sound. That way I can recommend them to my friends with kids. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account.
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Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Amazon Willa loves the woods. Lovelybooks Originaltitel: Willa of the Wood
The Regret Series Re-Release Sale & Giveaway. She is brave and certainly stands up for what she believes in. Sometimes they do a better job than the YA and adult books I read. Das bringt mich auch direkt zu dem Punkt, der mir an diesem Buch am besten gefällt – es ist gespickt mit vielen Lehren, Messages und Themen, die zum Grübeln anregen sollten. This book was not as dark as the Serafina books were, but there are some very dark moments. Steal without a trace. That's how she survives. Hardcover, 448 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-7373-4172-1 If you are familiar with his other series, Serafina, and enjoyed them you will like this one as well. You just knew that he wanted to protect her because she was part of the land that he loved so much. Willa, a young night-spirit of the Great Smoky Mountains, is her clan’s best thief. She is compassionate and strong. It's definitely a good one for middle grade but could be enjoyed by all ages. Wir werden sehen…. Sie kann mit ihrer Umgebung „verschmelzen“ und sich so nahezu unsichtbar machen.
Only then does she discover the truth: not all day-folk are the same, and the foundations that have guarded the Faeran for eons are under attack. It is an intricate plot with some twists and turns that were hard to predict. Pre-teen me would be ecstatic. Willa of the Wood – Das Geheimnis der Wälder, [Rezension] Eve of Man #1 – Die letzte Frau, [Rezension] King of Scars – Thron aus Gold und Asche, [Rezension] Die Meisterin #1 – Der Beginn, [Rezension] Vortex #2– Das Mädchen, das die Zeit durchbrach. ( Log Out / Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Yes, especially ones that engage me this one sounds fabulous!
I do enjoy some that sound intriguing.