2020-2021 enrollment into PVSD is moving forward with a new virtual enrollment step. (function() { It’s kindness, PVFam. //-->
Acceptable Use Policy Notice. Please use the Pre-Enrollment form below for new students only to register. read more In August (if the stay at home order is lifted), families will come into the school office for a final verification of documents. var sz = document.createElement('script'); sz.type = 'text/javascript'; sz.async = true; If you have any questions you can email us at mvazquez@pleasantvalleysd.org or call (805) 389-2100 ext 1109.
Please refer to the guidelines you received when you turned in your application for the priority order. **UPDATE as of 08/19/20 Choice and IDT have been emailed approval and we are awaiting responses. Camarillo Heights Stem Academy Dos Caminos Elementary Christy Smith Kathy Azbell csmith@pleasantvalleysd.org kazbell@pleasantvalleysd.org, La Mariposa Elementary Las Colinas Middle School Kathy Matsumori Karen Lariviere kmatsumori@pleasantvalleysd.org klariviere@pleasantvalleysd.org, Las Posas Elementary Los Primeros School of Sciences and Arts Julia Mildenhall Teresa Rittenhouse jmildenhall@pleasantvalleysd.org trittenhouse@pleasantvalleysd.org, Monte Vista Middle School Pleasant Valley School of Engineering and Arts Melissa Hinds Araceli Cerna mhinds@pleasantvalleysd.org acerna@pleasantvalleysd.org, Rancho Rosal School Santa Rosa Technology Magnet Leanne Kelly Marcia Mullins lkelly@pleasantvalleysd.org mmullins@pleasantvalleysd.org, Tierra Linda Elementary Suzanne Capellini scapellini@pleasantvalleysd.org. District Website: StudentConnection Login. sz.src = '//siteimproveanalytics.com/js/siteanalyze_6000901.js'; Pleasant Valley School District. Copyright © 2002-2020 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. })(); Did you see this? Show your support of all our staff and students by sharing that you are PVSchools Prepared. Notifications of approval in the following order have started: Intra District (choice) and then Inter District (IDT). The SAA will give the family directions for what to do. Designed by Kirksville Web Design on Google Sites. Although we would normally look forward to seeing your smiling faces as you return to campus, we hope to see you masked up and ready to adapt to new safety protocols. [CDATA[// >