Far enough back to not be affected by the high stage. During 10am to 6pm, the main box office is located on the corner of Charing Cross Road and Flitcroft Street. Phoenix Theatre. The stalls are divided into two by a central aisle. It has just over a thousand seats spread between the Stalls, the Dress Circle and the Grand Circle (which frankly isn’t very grand). 3 0 obj
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It had the perfect balance of emotions. I was happy with this seat for the price I paid. 2 0 obj
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p������e� B��*��� ��]R��Yz�. Terrible view. My favourite musical. The music is great, the sound system is really excellent and the subject matter is thought, Marriott Autograph Collection Hotels in London, Hotels near V&A - Victoria and Albert Museum, Concerts & Shows in Leicester Square / Shaftesbury Avenue, Gift & Speciality Shops in Leicester Square / Shaftesbury Avenue, Landmarks in Docklands / Canary Wharf / Isle of Dogs, Salsa Rapido 1-Day Intensive Salsa Course, Surfing, Windsurfing & Kitesurfing in London, Conference & Convention Centres in London. x���]o"7������p�m��Z)!��n�h�UՋ�*�^4������9�B�=3x�
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I'd happily sit here again! I was accompanied by my daughter who had no prior knowledge of the, This little theatre is found off Charing Cross Road near Soho in London. All of the actors were incredible and insanely good singers. *(�3(��8�8U�r06Ƀ$u��!8�n���n6�O�� Recent Photos; Featured Photos; Cities; Colleges; About. 12 0 obj
The Dress Circle is the second largest section of the theater and is similar in layout to the Stalls i.e, central aisle dividing the section into 2. Dec. 11 1995 to Jan. 5, 1996 - Phoenix Theatre, London . As you explore the dimly lit back streets of Whitechapel, images of Victorian London are projected onto buildings to guarantee a highly atmospheric experience. endstream
Seats 1 and 2 at the end of this row are cheaper and would just miss some of the action at the side of the stage.
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