Course numbers beginning with 0 indicate developmental courses that do not carry University credit. Cross-listed with NELC. Provide more details about this review of 'Course Catalog Search'. Classics Course Catalog.
Schedule types. Prereq: Honors standing, and permission of instructor. Schedule of Classes; Courses; Academic Calendar; Colleges; Programs; Academic Regulations; Catalog Rights Policy; Print Options; 2020-2021 Catalog. Credit hours. Quarter Equivalent: Classics 222: Classical Mythology (U 5), Personalities and attributes of the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, their mythology and its influence on Western culture.
Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs.
The student may use either Course X or Course Y, regardless of the order in which the courses were completed, but both courses may not be used to fulfill requirements for a single degree program. Body. Repeatable to a maximum of 45 cr hrs or 5 completions. S - Social and Behavioral Sciences. GE for Literature, Introductory survey of women, gender, and sexual relations in the ancient Mediterranean world, especially Greece and Rome. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Classics 811.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. For example, if the description for Course X indicates “No credit for students with credit in Course Y” or “May not be used for degree credit with Course Y,” this means that a student may not use both courses to meet requirements for a single degree program. Workshop. Not open to students with credit for 2221, 2401, 2401E, or History 2221.
This course is graded S/U.
Course attributes reflect attributes that all sections of the course carry toward meeting specific degree requirements. This course is graded S/U.
Graduate research seminar on the exegetical problems and current methodologies in the academic study of the New Testament and other early Christian literature. Mutually exclusive (or overlapping) courses are not listed as repeats, but students may not apply credit for both courses toward a degree.
Quarter Equivalent: Classics 325 Christians in the Greco-Roman World (U 5), Study of religious life and institutions in the Roman Republic and Empire, with due attention to the primary sources in translation and their difficulties. Course Number. GE lit and historical study course.
Quarter Equivalent: Classics 225H Classical Civilization- Rome (U 5), An introduction to the theory and practice of medicine in ancient Greece and Rome. No contractual rights between the Center for Health Sciences and any student are intended and none may be deemed to be created by the issue of this Catalog. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Classics 890.
Use the search panel on the left to find and narrow down classes of interest. T -- ATI course: a course that is part of an associate degree program (available at Ohio State ATI only) and fulfills the technical portion of the curriculum. Not all courses are offered each semester or session.
The capital letters in parentheses in some course titles designate courses fulfilling various undergraduate general education requirements.
Prereq: Grad standing. Quarter Equivalent: Classics 323: Ancient Greek Religion (U 5), Study of how the ancient Greek gods were represented in art of literature of their own and later historical periods. Ohio State nav bar Skip to main content. Welcome to OSU Class Search. GE for Cultures and Ideas Course Materials.
Cross-listed in Art. We reserve the right to apply such changes to registered and accepted students as well as to new admissions. Au, Sp, Su Sems.
Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs. The Course Catalog includes details of all courses approved for offering by Oklahoma State University. H -- Honors course: a course offering more advanced, rigorous curriculum and enrichment experiences.
The actual amount of time per week a student will spend in class (based on a 16-week semester).
Courses are listed alphabetically by course … Requests for alternate formats of the Schedule of Classes should be referred to Michael Gable. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Prereq or concur: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for Classics 223H. H - Humanities
Quarter Equivalent: Classics 223H: Freshman/Sophomore Honors Seminar - Topics in Ancient Literature and Society (U 5), Survey of the influence Latin as a literary language had on Western cultures from the Middle Ages to the present day. Introductory survey of the Greek and Roman achievement in literature and its contribution to Western thought; selected readings in English translation in major authors from Homer to Boethius. Prerequisite(s). Credit for only one of the courses will count in the earned hours section of the transcript. Enter search term Submit. GE for Literature and Diversity Global Studies Quarter Equivalent: Classics 101: Ancient Greek Literature in Translation (U 5) and Classics 102: Roman Literature in Translation (U 5), Introductory survey of the Greek and Roman achievement in literature and its contribution to Western thought; selected readings in English translation in major authors from Homer to Boethius.
Quarter Equivalent: Classics 694 Group Studies (U/G 5), Studies in the origins and development of Roman Law based on original sources in translation. Carmen (Course Management) Classroom Services; Download Software; Libraries; Library Catalog ;; Technical Support; University Center for the Advancement of Teaching; Walter E. Dennis Learning Center
Students should consult the current class schedule to determine specific offerings for a selected term. Quarter Equivalent: Classics 294 Group Studies (U 1-5), Topics in classical studies.
GE: Cultures and Ideas and Diversity Global Studies Repeatable to a maximum of 35 cr hrs or 12 completions.
© 2020-2021 - Oklahoma State University | All Rights Reserved, Toggle Art, Graphic Design and Art History, Toggle Communication Sciences and Disorders, Toggle Geology (Boone Pickens School of Geology), Toggle Media and Strategic Communications, Toggle Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Toggle Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution, Toggle College of Education and Human Sciences, Toggle Human Development and Family Science, Toggle School of Community Health Sciences, Counseling and Counseling Psychology, Toggle School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation, Toggle School of Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation, Toggle School of Teaching, Learning and Educational Sciences, Toggle College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, Toggle Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Toggle CEAT Dean's Office and CEAT Online Learning, Toggle Civil and Environmental Engineering, Toggle Construction Engineering Technology, Toggle Division of Engineering Technology, Toggle Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toggle Fire and Emergency Management Program, Toggle Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, Toggle Industrial Engineering and Management, Toggle Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Toggle Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Toggle Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Toggle Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Toggle School of Global Studies and Partnerships, Toggle Hospitality and Tourism Management, Toggle Management Science and Information Systems, Toggle School of Marketing and International Business, Download Explanation of Course Catalog (PDF), Special Academic Services, Programs and Facilities, Alumni Association, Foundation, OSU Tulsa, Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership (AECL), Construction Engineering Technology (CET), Fire and Emergency Management Program (FEMP), Foundations of Education and Psychology (FDEP), Global Studies (GS) (Global Studies & Partnerships), University Studies: Multidisciplinary Studies, BUS, American Studies: American Indian Studies, BA, American Studies: American Indian Studies, BS, American Studies: Business Essentials, BA, American Studies: Business Essentials, BS, Truth and Reconciliation in the Americas (TRRA), Minor, Chemistry (Approved by the American Chemical Society), BS, Chemistry: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSDC), Undergraduate Certificate, Economics (Arts and Sciences) (ECAS), Minor, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TEOU), Undergraduate Certificate, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies (GWS), Minor, Environmental Studies (EVST), Undergraduate Certificate, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Certificate, Geology (Boone Pickens School of Geology), Geology: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Biology: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Zoology: Ecology and Conservation Biology, BS, Zoology: Zoology Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Foreign Language (ASL) (FREN) (GRMN) (CHIN) (JPN) (SPAN) (RUSS) (GREK) (LATN), Minor, Mathematics: Actuarial and Financial Mathematics, BS, Mathematics: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology, BS, Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: Medical Laboratory Science, BS, Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: Pre-Medical Professional, BS, Multidisciplinary Studies: Business Essentials, BA, Multidisciplinary Studies: Business Essentials, BS, Music Composition and Theory (MUCT), Minor, Music Education: Instrumental/Vocal Certification, BM, Philosophy: Ethics and Business Essentials, BA, Physics: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Plant Biology: Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, BS, Plant Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, BS, Plant Biology: Pre-Law Environmental Policy, BS, Intelligence and Security Analysis (INSA), Minor, Political Science: Practical Politics - Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking, BA, Political Science: Practical Politics - Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking, BS, Psychology: Pre-Occupational Therapy, BS, Criminology and Criminal Justice (CRCJ), Minor, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Fashion Design & Production, BSHS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Interior Design, BSHS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Merchandising, BSHS, Fashion Design and Production (ADP), Minor, Family Financial Planning (FFP), Undergraduate Certificate, Human Development and Family Science: Child and Family Services, BSHS, Human Development and Family Science: Early Childhood Education, BSHS, Human Development and Family Science: Family & Consumer Sciences Education, BSHS, Nutritional Sciences: Allied Health, BSHS, Nutritional Sciences: Human Nutrition/Pre-Medical Sciences, BSHS, Nutritional Sciences: Public Health Nutrition, BSHS, School of Community Health Sciences, Counseling and Counseling Psychology, Health Education and Promotion: Exercise and Health, BS, Health Education and Promotion: Public Health, BS, School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aerospace Security (AAAS), Minor, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aerospace Security, BS, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aviation Management (AAAM), Minor, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aviation Management, BS, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Professional Pilot (AAPP), Minor, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Professional Pilot, BS, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Technical Service Management, BS, Learning and Motivation, Undergraduate Certificate, School of Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation, Applied Exercise Science: Pre-Professional, BS, Applied Exercise Science: Strength and Conditioning, BS, Recreation Management and Recreational Therapy (RMRT), Minor, Recreation Management and Recreational Therapy: Recreation Management, BS, Recreation Management and Recreational Therapy: Recreational Therapy, BS, Sports and Coaching Science (COAS), Minor, School of Teaching, Learning and Educational Sciences, Public School Support Specialist for Children At-Risk (PSSC), Minor, Secondary Education: Foreign Language, BS, College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, Biosystems Engineering: Biosystems Engineering, BSBE, CEAT Dean's Office and CEAT Online Learning, Chemical Engineering: Biomedical/Biochemical, BSCH, Construction Engineering Technology: Building, BSET, Construction Engineering Technology: Heavy, BSET, Mechatronic Engineering Technology for EET Students (EETM), Minor, Mechatronic Engineering Technology for MET Students (METM), Minor, Electrical Engineering Technology: Computer, BSET, Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, BSET, Safety and Exposure Sciences (SAES), Minor, Data Analytics for Engineers (DAEN), Minor, Industrial Engineering and Management, BSIE, Mechanical Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSME, Architectural Engineering: Construction Project Management, BEN, Architectural Engineering: Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing, BEN, Architectural Engineering: Structures, BEN, Architectural Studies: Architecture and Entrepreneurship (ASAE), Minor, Architectural Studies: Design (ASDS), Minor, Architectural Studies: History and Theory (ASHT), Minor, Agricultural Communications: Agribusiness Double Major, BSAG, Agricultural Communications: Animal Science Double Major, BSAG, Agribusiness: Accounting Double Major, BSAG, Agribusiness: Agricultural Communications Double Major, BSAG, Agribusiness: Community and Regional Analysis, BSAG, Agribusiness: Crop and Soil Sciences, BSAG, Agribusiness: Farm and Ranch Management, BSAG, Agribusiness: Pre-Veterinary Business Management, BSAG, Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (AEAB), Minor, Agricultural Real Estate Appraisal (AREA), Minor, Environmental Economics, Politics and Policy (EEPP), Minor, Agricultural Education: Agricultural Business and Economics, BSAG, Agricultural Education: Agricultural Communications, BSAG, Agricultural Education: Animal Agriculture, BSAG, Agricultural Education: Horticultural Sciences, BSAG, Agricultural Education: Multidisciplinary, BSAG, Agricultural Education: Natural Resources, BSAG, Agricultural Leadership: Extension Education, BSAG, Agricultural Leadership: International Studies, BSAG, Animal Science: Agricultural Communications Double Major, BSAG, Animal Science: Agricultural Education Double Major, BSAG, Animal Science: Animal Biotechnology, BSAG, Animal Science: Livestock Merchandising, BSAG, Animal Science: Pre-Veterinary Animal Science, BSAG, Equine Enterprise Management (EEM), Undergraduate Certificate, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Pre-Medical or Pre-Veterinary Science, BSAG, Biosystems Engineering: Bioprocessing & Food Processing, BSBE, Biosystems Engineering: Environmental and Natural Resources, BSBE, Biosystems Engineering: Machine Systems & Agricultural Engineering, BSBE, Biosystems Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSBE, Entomology: Insect Biology and Ecology, BSAG, Entomology: Pre-Veterinary and Pre-Medical, BSAG, Environmental Science: Environmental Policy, BSAG, Environmental Science: Natural Resources, BSAG, Environmental Science: Water Resources, BSAG, Horticulture: Horticultural Business, BSAG, Horticulture: Horticultural Food Safety, BSAG, Horticulture: Horticultural Science, BSAG, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology (FAEC), Minor, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Fisheries & Aquatic Ecology, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Forest Ecology & Management, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Rangeland Ecology & Management, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Wildlife Biology & Preveterinary Science, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Wildlife Ecology & Management, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology and Management (NREM), Minor, Rangeland Ecology and Management (REM), Minor, Plant and Soil Sciences: Agronomic Business, BSAG, Plant and Soil Sciences: Crop Production and Management, BSAG, Plant and Soil Sciences: Plant Biotechnology and Improvement, BSAG, Plant and Soil Sciences: Soil and Water Resources, BSAG, School of Global Studies and Partnerships, Economics: Business Economics and Quantitative Studies, BSBA, Hospitality and Tourism Management: Beverage Management, BSBA, Hospitality and Tourism Management: Event Management, BSBA, Management: Business Sustainability, BSBA, Management: Human Resource Management, BSBA, Sustainable Business Management (SBM), Undergraduate Certificate, Management Science and Information Systems, Management Information Systems (MIS), Minor, Management Information Systems: Data Science, BSBA, Management Information Systems: Information Assurance, BSBA, Accounting: External Reporting, Control, and Auditing, BSBA, Accounting: Internal Reporting, Control and Auditing, BSBA, School of Marketing and International Business, Marketing: Marketing Communications Management, BSBA, Marketing: Marketing Research and Analytics, BSBA, Marketing: Professional Selling and Sales Management, BSBA, Sales and Service Excellence (SSE), Undergraduate Certificate, Applied Educational Studies: Aviation and Space Education, EdD, Business Administration: Entrepreneurship, PhD, Business Administration: Executive Research, PhD, Business Administration: Hospitality and Tourism Management, PhD, Business Administration: Management Science and Information Systems, PhD, Curriculum Studies: College Curriculum and Teaching, PhD, Curriculum Studies: Curriculum and Leadership, PhD, Curriculum Studies: International and Peace Curriculum, PhD, Education: Educational Administration, EdS, Education: Language, Literacy and Culture, PhD, Education: Social Foundations of Education, PhD, Education: Workforce and Adult Education, PhD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies: Educational Administration, PhD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies: Higher Education, PhD, Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology, PhD, Educational Psychology: Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, PhD, Fire and Emergency Management Administration, PhD, Health, Leisure and Human Performance: Health and Human Performance, PhD, Health, Leisure and Human Performance: Leisure Studies, PhD, Human Sciences: Human Development and Family Science, PhD, Industrial Engineering and Management, PhD, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, PhD, Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Forest Resources, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Rangeland Ecology and Management, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Wildlife Ecology and Management, PhD, Comparative and International Education, GCRT, Educational and Psychological Measurement, GCRT, Effective Teaching in Elementary Schools, GCRT, Effective Teaching in Secondary Schools, GCRT, Engineering and Technology Management, GCRT, Environmental Science with Regulatory Certifications, GCRT, Forensic Arson, Explosives, Firearms, and Toolmarks Investigation, GCRT, Health Care Administration: Finance, GCRT, Health Care Administration: Global Health, GCRT, Integrative Design of Building Envelope, GCRT, International Disaster and Emergency Management, GCRT, Public Health in Rural and Underserved Communities, GCRT, Statistical Methods and Analyses in Educational and Behavioral Sciences, GCRT, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, GCRT, Accounting: Data Analytics & Systems, MS, Accounting: Financial Reporting & Auditing, MS, Agricultural Education and Leadership, MS, Business Administration: Business Sustainability, MBA, Business Administration: Data Science, MBA, Business Administration: Energy Business, MBA, Business Administration: Entrepreneurship, MBA, Business Administration: Finance Investment Banking, MBA, Business Administration: Global Marketing, MBA, Business Administration: Hospitality & Tourism Management, MBA, Business Administration: Human Resource Management, MBA, Business Administration: Information Assurance, MBA, Business Administration: Marketing Analytics, MBA, Business Administration: Nonprofit Management, MBA, Business Administration: Risk Management, MBA, Business Analytics and Data Science: Advanced Data Science, MS, Business Analytics and Data Science: Cybersecurity Analytics, MS, Business Analytics and Data Science: Health Analytics, MS, Business Analytics and Data Science: Marketing Analytics, MS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Apparel Design and Production, MS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Interior Design, MS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Merchandising, MS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Retail Merchandising Leadership, MS, Educational Leadership Studies: College Student Development, MS, Educational Leadership Studies: Higher Education, MS, Educational Leadership Studies: School Administration, MS, Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology, MS, Educational Psychology: Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, MS, Educational Psychology: School Psychometrics, MS, Educational Technology: Educational Technology, MS, Educational Technology: School Library Media, MS, Engineering and Technology Management, MS, Engineering Technology: Fire Safety and Explosion Protection, MS, Engineering Technology: Mechatronics & Robotics, MS, English: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MA, Entomology and Plant Pathology: Entomology, MS, Entomology and Plant Pathology: Plant Pathology, MS, Environmental Science: Environmental Management Professional Science Masters, MS, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, MS, Fire and Emergency Management Administration, MS, Forensic Sciences: Arson, Explosives, Firearms and Toolmarks Investigation, MS, Forensic Sciences: Forensic Document Examination, MS, Forensic Sciences: Forensic Science Administration, MS, General Agriculture: Agricultural Leadership, MAG, Health and Human Performance: Applied Exercise Science, MS, Health and Human Performance: Health Promotions, MS, Health and Human Performance: Physical Education, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Applied Human Services, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Developmental and Family Sciences, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Early Childhood Education, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Family and Community Services, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Gerontology (Internet-Based Program), MS, Human Development and Family Science: Marriage and Family Therapy, MS, Industrial Engineering and Management, MS, Management Information Systems: Application Development, MS, Management Information Systems: Data Science, MS, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, MEN, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Unmanned Aerial Systems, MS, Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Forest Resources, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Rangeland Ecology and Management, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Wildlife Ecology and Management, MS, Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics (Internet-Based Program), MS, Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics Research, MS, Public Health: Rural and Underserved Populations, MPH, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Curriculum and Leadership Studies, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Elementary/Middle/Secondary Ed/K-12 Ed, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Gifted and Talented Education, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Mathematics/Science Education, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Reading and Literacy, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Special Education, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Workforce and Adult Education, MS, Global Studies (GS) (Global Studies & Partnerships).
L - Scientific Investigation (Laboratory Science) Prereq or concur: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor. GE Historical Study
Quarter Equivalent: Classics 224 Classical Civilization - Greece (U 5), A survey of ancient Greek civilization, concentrating upon important facets of literature, history, art, and archaeology.
Au, Sp, Su Sems.
GE Historical Study and Diversity Global Studies Quarter Equivalent: Classics 303: Comic Spirit in Antiquity (U 5). Academic Advising at Oregon State University, Colleges, Schools, Departments, and Programs, Earning a Degree at Oregon State University, Information Services, Computers, and Academic Technologies, OSU Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO), Baccalaureate Core Courses (BCC) and Writing Intensive Courses (WIC) are indicated by attributes beginning with ‘Core.’ Titles with an asterisk* are BCC courses and titles with a carat^ are WIC courses. Schedule Type. The right is reserved to change any of the rules and regulations, courses, course content, credit, fees, regulations, semester calendar, curriculum, degrees offered and other college matters. Disclaimer. Equivalent Courses. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Classics 240, History 2210 (240 or 306) or HistArt 2301 (306).
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Classics 870. Equivalent courses are denoted on the official transcript in accordance with the undergraduate repeat policy (See Academic Regulation 6.13). Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 656. Study of sacred texts from Greece and Rome.
NEW!!! B102 Kerr Administration Building, Copyright © 2020-2021 The department or school offering the course.
This course is Progress ("P") graded. A course catalog listing is comprised of the following elements: Course Subject. GE: Cultures and and Ideas and Diversity Global Studies The Phaedon John Kozyris and Litsa Kozyris Travel Award, The Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Greek and Latin, Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization: Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean, Graduate Program on Classical Antiquity and the Near East, Honoring the memory of Phaedon J. Kozyris, Visual Resources in the Teaching of Modern Greece, Subordinate Clauses in Indirect Discourse, Study Abroad: Experiencing Rome: Approaches to an Ancient City, If you have a disability and experience difficulty accessing this site, please contact us for assistance via email at.
The last digit of the course number indicates the number of semester credit hours. 230 N. Oval Mall Specific content, location, semester(s) of offering, and prerequisites vary. Carmen (Course Management) Classroom Services; Download Software; Libraries; Library Catalog ;; Technical Support; University Center for the Advancement of Teaching; Walter E. Dennis Learning Center
Prereq: Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Classics 607. The content of the course and its major emphasis are described. Prereq: St standing, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs or 3 completions. GE Culture and Ideas and Historical Study.
S -- Service Learning course: a course that uses experiential learning strategies and involves student participation in an organized service activity. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Prereq: Written permission of dept chairperson. Quarter Equivalent: Classics 697 Study at a Foreign University (U/G 1-15) 5798.01 Study Tour: Domestic U/G 1-9
Courses are listed alphabetically by course subject. Repeatable to a maximum of 27 cr hrs or 9 completions. Programs; Colleges; Schedule of Classes; Courses; Published by the Office of the Registrar.
DISCLAIMER: Future term data are continually updated.
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