Pererau: He is 95 years old—clearly the target age for the new disease—and HE is praying for ME. Read more responses from viewers on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' YouTube channel. I'm coming back, Lord. "I … Leaders from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints answer … Leilani Hyten: His voice calms me, and when he told us he loves [us] at the end of the video I knew everything is going to be alright. Thank you, may you stay healthy.❤️ Thank you for bringing some light in this world. Watching this gave me much needed clarity and confidence to seek inspiration and do as the Lord directs!
Thank you, Mr. Nelson, from the depths of my heart. I left the Church many years ago, but to hear the church prophet deliver a message like this in a time of strife, way cool. As concern over COVID-19 continues and worship services of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are suspended worldwide, Church President Russell M. Nelson offers this message of hope posted on his social channels. According to the Deseret News, as of March 15, the video received 2.7 million views across several platforms. I am not Mormon, but your message is sincere. Today, the video has approximately 1.5 million views on Facebook, 1.2 million views on YouTube, 394,000 views on the prophet’s Instagram account, and over 290,000 views on the Church’s Instagram account. Alan Vargas: I'm atheist, but I like his optimism. Ninjaxorgmail: I haven't been in the depths of despair while facing this situation, but I have had a little anxiety/uneasiness with it all.
Paige 1996: I’m a Christian but not a Mormon, but this is a message I feel helps many feel less anxious and more safe. So, during these uncertain times, be comforted by this promise from the Savior. Yeetus Deleteus: I’m very religious, however I’m Baptist, but this is a very heartwarming message that is very powerful and comforting in a time like this. I see evidence of His hand in this holy work in so many ways.
OcculiMortis: That is so awesome. I promise you that joy is always within the reach of everyone who will hear Him and obey His laws.”. President Russell M. Nelson’s message of hope during the coronavirus outbreak went viral on YouTube after its release on March 14, and on Sunday evening was the #1 trending video on YouTube. The video trended on YouTube, as reported by Deseret News. LDS leaders share messages of hope in digital BYU women's conference.
Thank you, brother. Finding Peace During Turbulent Times | #HearHim The Miracle of Hope Blessings to you. Asif Talpur: I'm a Muslim. Sosvenezuela: This was a beautiful message. Nelson’s message impacted both members and nonmembers alike, his voice one of calm and assurance during a time of uncertainty.
In his message, President Nelson shared that he is praying for those who have been affected by the coronavirus and that he is certain Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ, are watching over all of us. 14, 2020. TheVideoKid782: Never thought a church would be #1 on trending, but this is amazing. I’m a devout Catholic but I resonate completely with the message of hope and love that was shared. He also encouraged Latter-day Saints to obey God’s laws. Danielle is a features writer and editor for LDS Living. The Inspirational Messages video series contain short uplifting messages regarding principles and values that are important to the world. When you said the 3 little words, “I LOVE YOU,“ I felt the truthfulness in those words. From the Church. Exactly what I needed to hear. Minh Sen: You're cool. In his message, President Nelson shared that he is praying for those who have been affected by the coronavirus and that he is certain Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ, are watching over all of us. "I remain optimistic for the future.
The scriptures often speak of hope as anticipation of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. In our everyday language, the word often has a hint of uncertainty. Ihardage89: I haven’t been to sacrament in a while. Missed the Band Wagon: Both my parents are older, and I have an auto-immune disease, so I greatly appreciated this message of hope from our Prophet. I hope to be half the man he is one day. We are all enlisted in the gathering of Israel (and why it matters), ‘Can anything be more vital?’: 5 quotes from Elder Bednar defending religion at the G20 Interfaith Forum, 'He knew this was a spiritual place': How a Sikh man praying at the Ogden temple brought hope to Latter-day Saints, 7 exciting family history changes and milestones you may not have heard about, What the World Food Programme, a recent Nobel Peace Prize, and Latter-day Saints have in common, Elder Haight’s wife thought a movie changed after seeing the same movie twice.
He also encouraged Latter-day Saints to obey God’s laws. Words to live by as we need them right now. Many blessings to all and stay safe . May God bless you all. God bless you. by LDS Living | Mar. Watch: President Nelson's Message of Hope During COVID-19 Outbreak. Responses have been edited for clarity. Hope is the confident expectation of and longing for the promised blessings of righteousness. Here are a few favorite responses from those viewers on YouTube. The word hope is sometimes misunderstood. I know the great and marvelous blessings that God has in store for those who love Him and serve Him. Nassir Notta: I am not Christian, but this was a good message spreading hope to everyone during this time. Phage ling: My daughter says, “I like that you are praying for people even if it could happen to you.
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