This is the fastest route from New Smyrna Beach, FL to Deltona, FL. route from New Smyrna Beach, FL to Deltona, FL. Do you have where to stay when you arrive to Deltona, FL? Average USA gas price used for calculation is $2.18 per gallon of regular gas.
Compare the weather today and the next four days in New Smyrna Beach, FL and Deltona, FL: Planning on renting a car to go from New Smyrna Beach, FL to Deltona, FL?
Checkout the distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles between New Smyrna Beach, FL and Deltona, FL in this table: Distance from New Smyrna Beach to Deltona, Between New Smyrna Beach, FL and Deltona, FL. New Smyrna Beach, FL and Deltona, FL are in the same time zone (EDT). Distance between cities › USA › Florida › New Smyrna Beach, FL › Distance from New Smyrna Beach to Deltona. The carbon footprint would be 0.79 pounds of CO2 per mile. This is the fastest route from New Smyrna Beach, FL to Deltona, FL.. New Smyrna Beach, FL and Deltona, FL are in the same time zone (EDT). Distances are measured using a direct path, as the crow flies and the compass direction is shown as well. Driving time: 35 minutes
There are 22.12 miles from New Smyrna Beach to Deltona in southwest direction Of course, traffic is going to make a big difference so make sure you check that before leaving.
Price last updated on October 14, 2020. During the route, an average car will release 22.89 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Deltona is a principal city in the Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach metropolitan area, and suburb in the Greater Orlando metropolitan area.
There are 22.12 miles from New Smyrna Beach to Deltona in southwest direction and 29 miles (46.67 kilometers) by car, following the FL 44 Business route.. New Smyrna Beach and Deltona are 33 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop .. How far is it to drive from Deltona, Florida to Daytona Beach, Florida? Check out our hotel recommendations: If you want to meet halfway between New Smyrna Beach, FL and Deltona, FL or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 29.026789 and -81.149445, or 29º 1' 36.4404" N, 81º 8' 58.002" W. This location is 14.55 miles away from New Smyrna Beach, FL and Deltona, FL and it would take approximately 16 minutes to reach the halfway point from both locations. View a map with the driving distance between Deltona, FL and Daytona Beach, FL to calculate your road trip mileage. Within the city is a campus of the Daytona State College, the Fathi Hall building. Nonstop drive: 30 miles or 48 km. Here there are some offers to rent a car in or near New Smyrna Beach, FL: Compare rental car prices in New Smyrna Beach ». Here's the quick answer if you make this quick drive without any stops.
Postcode areas of Deltona are 32725, 32738.Area code(s) of Deltona are 321, 386, 407.Deltona has 33ft (10m) altitude.The coordinates of Deltona are: 28.90500 lat, -81.21111 lng.Deltona belongs to … How far is it to Deltona, FL from where I am now? New Smyrna Beach and Deltona are 33 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop . Origin and destination have to be different. It is also a major city in the Fun Coast region of Florida.
Current time in both locations is 2:23 am. The estimated cost of gas to go from New Smyrna Beach to Deltona is $2.55.
Plan a trip to Deltona and measure the distance to your destination. Planning on renting a car to go from New Smyrna Beach, FL to Deltona, FL? How far is Deltona from Daytona Beach? Current time in both locations is 3:21 am. Share with fellow travellers any question or tips about the route from New Smyrna Beach, FL to Deltona, FL: A car with a fuel efficiency of MPG will need 1.17 gallons of gas to cover the route between New Smyrna Beach, FL and Deltona, FL. and 29 miles (46.67 kilometers) by car, following the FL 44 Business route. See distance to other cities from Deltona – Florida – USA measured in kilometers (km), miles and nautical miles and their local time. Please type your origin and destination and pick one of the options. This is the fastest route from Deltona, FL to Daytona Beach, FL.. Deltona, FL and Daytona Beach, FL are in the same time zone (EDT). There are 25.91 miles from Deltona to Daytona Beach in northeast direction and 29 miles (46.67 kilometers) by car, following the I-4 E route.. Deltona and Daytona Beach are 30 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop ..
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