The hon. They made it an offence to spread false reports or make false statements; As I understand it, it means something much wider than mere disloyalty. Gentleman is now suggesting that all these regulations were implied when we passed the original Measure, and that therefore the regulations are not entirely new. or right hon. Will the Minister tell us whether to advocate democracy in the Army would be considered as creating disaffection? Indeed, if the hon. anticipated by measures which we deliberately took in time of peace, in the Public Order Act. VI c. 91) was an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom. Those arguments having been put forward to me, I ask whether those who write them to me are not committing an offence under Regulation 39B. Gentleman reads a regulation he might read it correctly. If he is marching along the road I suppose he is acting in the course of his duty as such. There was a great deal of trouble over a certain Mr. Campbell because the question was the very point whether the Attorney-General should take into account political matters in deciding upon a prosecution. The right hon. offence; publication can be taken away from them within the terms of that regulation. Members on all sides of the House, that it is essential that the regulations should remain in existence. Professor G. M. Trevelyan says—and I think this is singularly applicable to the situation to-day: Member has a right to stand up, but the Home Secretary is in possession of the House and need not give way. 1897 The Home Secretary cannot say to us, "It is true that I am asking you to give me a cat-o'-nine-tails but you know I have no liking for corporal punishment; it hurts me more than it hurts you, and I am not likely to use it unnecessarily." directing that he be detained Therefore, there is no habeas corpus left. Those are wide words. The hon. The right hon. Member for Bridgeton (Mr. Maxton) and the right hon. the right hon. Will the right hon. I accept that explanation as making the case slightly better from one point of view, but making it worse from another point of view, because as I listened to the Minister I was misled into believing that he thought that anybody who went to a conscientious objectors' tribunal was in the same category as a person who was doing Nazi propaganda. There is a danger that the scope of regulations may not be understood, and it is common practice for the Home Secretary to send advice with regard to the action that should be taken All that the aggrieved person can say is: "I am not a person against whom this order ought to have been made." Having decided as a political matter that, say, Fascist propaganda or Communist propaganda is, broadly speaking, prejudicial to the safety of the realm, then it would be for the Attorney-General to decide whether the action of A, who has Those are the facts in regard to the two persons in question. It seems to me quite clear that the mere simple solution of withdrawing the regulations would not be a right or proper one, but if we cannot move Amendments, I might at least suggest one or two possible additional safeguards. It was due also to their naval and economic strength, and to a system of free but efficient government, that the national genius had almost unconsciously evolved from the struggle of its sects and factions. Can the right hon. They will have the satisfaction of expressing their point of view, which I honestly think they ought to be entitled to express, and the country will not be harmed in the process. Gentleman's statement proved conclusively that the attack so ably launched by the hon. We Members of this House are a section of the public—perhaps not such an important section as we sometimes imagine but at any rate a section—and if anybody addresses himself to us saying that this is a bad war or that all wars are bad, he is probably acting, within his limits, in a manner prejudicial to the Defence of the Realm. That is bound to be a matter in which very stringent regulations will have to be made. I should put him eminently into that category of Ministers of whom the Prime Minister would say that they were chosen on the basis of character and experience. and gallant Gentleman the Member for the Drake Division of Plymouth (Lieut.-Colonel Guest) has It is in the Rules of the House; and I ask you to rule according to the Rules of the House on this matter. If that is the case, why put the regulation in? When a man has a point of view to put is he still to have liberty to make a speech, provided that he does not talk sedition and alienate In a matter of this importance, may I ask whether there is any method whereby the right hon. A person may require his daily copy of "Action," or the "Daily Worker," or he might require to write letters. Is he committing an offence under this regulation? Was there not one man in Edinburgh, 35 years of age, who died, and whose case is the subject of investigation? Surely, that is wider than anything in the regulations in the last war. be achieved only if, at a time of emergency and war, instead of trying to suspend our free institutions, we jealously preserve them. It is a power that we should not delegate to a wide variety of local people who may take differing points of view. Of course, if anyone in any part of the House feels that that discretion is always wisely exercised, especially in the light of the experience of the last few weeks, he will oppose this Motion. 1831 I can well understand the anxiety of hon. When the right hon. I hope the right hon. I am not sure that the right hon. When the right hon. which appeal to me as particularly requiring explanation. It is interesting to look back to 1915, when there was a Debate on certain Defence regulations, and to see what was said by the right hon. Members of this House can very easily make themselves, a great nuisance to the vast majority, and if it is necessary for the sake of one's Parliamentary reputation to do it, I have no doubt we shall have to do it. One can well see that in time of war it might even be necessary to put some restriction upon a whole class of traders, but here it is proposed to pick out a particular man and place upon him some restriction or disability which is not going to apply to his competitors. Member, but I must repeat, on the point that has been raised, that the use of the expression "cause disaffection" instead of the expression "seduce from his duty or allegiance to His Majesty," was thought to be more appropriate in a regulation applying, not merely to members of disciplined and Armed Forces, but also to Crown servants in general. Anyone, of course, appreciates that when we are at war it is unavoidable that the Government of the day should be entrusted with extraordinary powers, and I do not suppose that anyone will dispute that proposition in the course of this Debate. That is the justification that I offer for this regulation. In the first place, the man who is committed will have no opportunity to cross-examine his accusers. Member for Bow and Bromley (Mr. Lansbury), that these are not his servants and he is not responsible? By way of preliminary, I would say that the regulations in this volume, together with the regulations previously issued, are a code which has been prepared on behalf of the Government upon a very careful and systematic review of the regulations which were in force during the last war. Is it not a fact that without this regulation there would be power to deal with that woman now? It states: Such leaflets if they were distributed in large numbers and in such a way as to prejudice in any real, sense the defence of the realm or the successful prosecution of the war, might, I say at once, properly be made the subject of proceedings under this regulation. I do not think there is any dispute about that in any part of the House. Now may I come to the main provisions in this regulation—paragraph (c) of Regulation 18B (1). Nobody can dispute that in these regulations the suspect may be imprisoned without trial for an indefinite time. Friend, but I think everybody must be disconcerted by the absoluteness of the terms of Regulation I8B—"Restriction orders and detention orders." 1874 1960–1979 | After all, the British people are not sheep. All this does is to give power to irresponsible people to make Members that the things we had to contend with during the last war with regard to the Defence of the Realm were not matters which one would think are covered by these open regulations, but something hidden away in the regulations that gives the State power to deal with such persons. Who are they to be? They are accustomed to dealing with moral and political issues in the exercise of the censorship and there is an appeal from them to the local authority. One can think of all kinds of possibilities, but that is not the most serious part of the Order. Gentleman and I would not agree what was desirable and undesirable propaganda. "]—in which these provisions appear in the regulations. Freedom, we are informed by the official posters, is in peril, and we must defend it with all our might. I do not want to see the growth of bureaucracy extended. Foot). In the short 2¼ years I was at the Ministry of Transport I made a lot of regulations, a pile of them. It was thought to be more suitable than the expression "seducing from allegiance," which appeared in an earlier regulation, and it is in fact an expression which is used in the Police Act in the same sort of connection. Friend has dealt, but the powers of detention are really terrifying. The quotation reads: I have here a quotation from a leading article in the "Glasgow Herald," a journal of which the right hon. Regulations are "disaffection towards His Majesty," an entirely different thing from disaffection as the word is used in this particular relation. I am not going into the various detailed points so ably raised by the hon. Any hon. Will the right hon. Surely the hon. There is a typical instance where, by the judgment of the minimum that is necessary in order to give the essential protection, these regulations are drawn far too widely and need to be entirely recast. Will the right hon. out in the regulation have been fulfilled. In our view it is not sufficient to answer, on an occasion like this, that we must leave the exercise of these powers to the wise discretion of the Department concerned. Gentleman will forgive me, but I am extremely interested in this particular set of provisions. Again, this is one that has not been referred to. may be proceeded against under this Section and that some of their propaganda has been banned under it. Is this regulation to be used to deal with the censorship of films from the point of view of morals and politics? It may mean simply discontent with the conditions in which you have to work, or with the wages that you are earning, provided that you are in the service of the Government. I believe that the truth will ultimately prevail. What else do we fight for? It was pointed out by eminent members of the Conservative party of that time that it was a very dangerous word to use without qualification, so that it was amended by consent of all parties, and the corresponding words which appear in the D.O.R.A. How very wide these words are, and how widely they can be interpreted, has already appeared.
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