Jill believes that it’s time to live within natural environmental limits – and think better, not bigger. Is our wildlife worth more than 6 minutes to you? The text of the Statement of MLA Citizen Expectations vJuly2020. We are also living in an increasingly unequal society, and I believe we can tackle both issues together, by ensuring climate-sensitive action is at the forefront of our social justice work. Andrew Barr set out his Government's priorities four years ago.  facilitate dissemination of information about government services and policies in the electorate, so to enhance understanding of the government services policies, and improve their involvement in policy development and decision making. I want to engage with them though social media, through my office and through hosting participatory events and by getting our more in my community. Do you want to live in a community that recognises the differences that may exist among individuals, but that values these individuals as equals? https://nnimgt-a.akamaihd.net/transform/v1/crop/frm/fdcx/doc7c2e1vzkif4ip33goif.jpg/r10_0_4245_2393_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg, Opposition leader Alistair Coe. CAP strongly opposes the governmentâs plans to develop the West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin and build apartment blocks along the shoreline. I have 21 years of service in the Australian Defence Force, with over 13 years in leadership and management positions. In particular, I will: A thriving Canberra is good for everyone, but my priority above all else is the people of Yerrabi. "I'm proud to be part of an ACT Labor Government which is firmly pro-choice and committed to ensuring abortions are conducted in a way which is safe, legal and accessible. Read about our editorial guiding principles and the standards ABC journalists and content makers follow.  I will listen to the residents of Brindabella and take their needs and aspirations into the parliament and implement them. I have also served on the ACT Greens' Board since 2019. I want to staff my office with spokespeople from diverse sectors of the community (CALD, people with disability, First Nations People) so that people from these diverse groups feel like they are being represented, and to help inform policy ad decision making. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Thanks to Greens climate change Minister Shane Rattenbury, Canberra now has 100% renewable electricity. Equally heartbreaking is the obliteration of 3 billion Australian native animals during the bushfires. As a proud Australian who has always cared deeply for our fragile environment and our diverse wildlife, Jill’s concern is particularly for future generations including her grandchildren.
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