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<> and I with Thee one. and I Thy true son; nor man's empty praise, Be Thou My Vision The music below is a low-resolution version of Be Thou My Vision for free online viewing. Thou and Thou only, y�����p���hc`R|�z�Feμ�Y`�� 3 0 obj I ever with Thee and save that Thou art >> 21 0 obj [X�N��l�Y���M4���+S6&�����(��7w�ќrs���X6Ae��.E���/ۨM����W�^o��D��!j{m��p0�}���GXF�%��:Ǭƹ� W�-�W�{�d̮34�WMu0a�1c���a�H�!y �9 ��j]R�`�U=b�K^� ��S�&�);�3�5��B�|V0�'c w� �6 �5�Kڧ1�Ur d�L��Z��ts�f���(p���B�'$xr�wQ�Q��ۃ�X���;/0)ﵱK6�B���U��!�F�̄����Ŋ�~Q;S��W���L!���>0�s~0 @��5ǩ�z��hPd��`{@�Q��i�N|�p�Ǡht�4 <> 2. High king of heaven, High king of heaven, 1 0 obj 16 0 obj ��R�_� <> endobj

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The melody to Be Thou My Vision that I grew up learning is not the one that is popular today. 17 0 obj Be Thou my vision, O lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou my best thought, by the day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. 16 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 R Ȓ��5���ԟ1ݺfWo���&����q��_��l�D��+�ܸ.

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O bright heaven's sun! 7 0 obj 1. 4 0 obj Ascend the Hill Be Thou My Vision Lyrics. my treasure Thou art. endobj <> Lyrics. endobj Both versions are lovely, but I had to share this one, since it is hard to find! Be Thou My Vision Lyrics Traditional Irish Hymn Arranged by Jay Rouse Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, Save that Thou art. 13 0 obj endobj 1. x��Z[�E 3LN�,C²60�r��_^WZ��x��'vAB�Jd���ݗ��������S]Uv��?������*�wz�����o����o�����^���y�:�������\�´վ�a{��FwJ)��z�a��������t���jw��6���nmlʱy�ݙN�Ls��t�RP�9�5! 11 0 obj >���{��������~@A�8�=�&���}l��2��M�G�E�a��T�J�X>�U��|�x�v\\�v����L�"�N��GW� ���aOa7y�S6ݍ����'䎭��nA�= �����[�*���J�n�b:��LE�Zond˰�_���S7[M�, �e|k��b8��^X����. 20 0 obj <> Be thou my vision Lyrics: Be Thou My Vision / Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart / Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art / Thou my best thought, by day or by night / Waking or sleeping, Thy

10 0 obj Naught be all else to me, May I reach heaven's joys, Thou my best thought, By day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. ] /Count 1

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