Advertising the street address of a home occupation through signs, billboards, television, radio, or newspapers is prohibited. Can you identify what type of tree this is? Advertising a home occupation by a sign on the premises is prohibited, except as provided under Section 25-10-156 (Home Occupation Signs). We recommend consulting with a certified arborist for those questions. By expanding the territory subject to city ordinances, regulations and codes, annexation improves the city’s economic base and enables Austin to manage growth & development. There are over 100 tree species in the Hill Country area. Your process will begin with the Development Assistance Center (DAC). Reprographic companies can assist with reprinting your plans to scale. For more information, please visit Expedited Plan Review Program. If staff cannot verify a measurement, this will lead to delays in the plan review process. The new review times chart on the Review Times For Residential Plan Review page became effective on May 16, 2017. The case arose from a dispute after Custer developed a self-storage facility in McKinney’s ETJ, acquiring building permits from the county but not from the city. The property owner is responsible for tree removal or required maintenance. Calls to an inspector may not be answered immediately because they are conducting an inspection or driving. If you have already received a Master Comment Report, your reviewer's contact information will be printed on the report.
There are multiple tree-related concerns that will determine if the City can assist you.
What is the difference between a major and minor revision? We also encourage using ideal pruning techniques. The City's Austin Resource Recovery (formerly Solid Waste Services) manages these concerns. Impervious cover does not include sidewalks or paving in the public right-of-way or water features such as ponds, fountains, and water detention basins, porous pavement. Typically a landowner may remove vegetation that crosses their property line (or the air space directly above it). Inside the City Limits (limited purpose annexation) – The same rules above apply. For questions about trimming around power lines contact Austin Energy's tree trimming hotline at (512) 322- 6771 or email Log in, --David Foster, CAE, RCE President & CEO Austin Board of REALTORS, --Doris and Paul D. Steinkraus, VP, General Counsel: Ford, --Carol Clark, General Council: St. David's Community Health Foundation, --Kelly Beck, P.G., Managing Geologist/Client Service: Brown and Caldwell, --S. Joe Qin, Fluor Professor of Process Engineering: University of Southern California, --Mark Sprague, State Director of Information Capital for Independence Title. Depending on the extent of your work, you may be required to obtain one or more of the following permits. There are two ways to schedule an inspection: For more information, visit Texas Water Commission permit for projects over the Edwards Aquifer. A tree within the Austin city limits is protected once it reaches 19 inches. If you do not meet the requirements (your house was built after 1986), then you must reenter the permitting process to obtain a new CO. A home occupation must comply with the requirements of Section 25-2-900 of the Austin City Code. Are limbs hampering traffic flow? A tree survey tag is usually an aluminum circular or rectangular label attached to the tree trunk. A separate permit is required for each building or structure where work occurs. A reviewer can help you calculate your impervious cover, but if you would like to do it yourself, download this Building and Impervious Cover Calculation Aid spreadsheet. A common scale for floor plans is 1/4" = 1’-0” (one quarter inch is equal to one foot). Changes that require revised plans to be submitted and/or modify calculations are considered major revisions and incur a major revision fee. Austin ETJ By using ETJ, the City of Austin wields its regulatory power to neighboring land “where development can affect the quality of life within the city.” The City claims that the use of ETJ will make certain that potential subdivisions that may be annexed by Austin in the future will adhere to minimum requirements for road access, lot size and utility infrastructure.
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