Planning for just such a contingency, Davis had minimized the Doctor's role throughout the story so that the character could be written out on short notice.
The Ninth Doctor himself chooses that better way when he refuses to unleash the Delta wave to defeat the Daleks at the cost of every life on Earth. By the end of the Second Doctor's tenure, viewer interest was flagging, and the incoming production team decided to reduce the budget and shake up the show by reformatting the series as an Earth-set, UNIT-centric show. It's a careless mistake, but one that is demanded by the Fifth Doctor's entire worldview.
Others require a sense of fair play to decide. He is the most idealistic of the Doctors, the one who sees the cosmos as a grand adventure best approached with open arms and a brave heart. Because of the humiliation of his exile, the Third Doctor always felt his innate superiority more than most Doctors, and so many of his adventures with UNIT are driven by his (usually justified) belief that he knows better than everyone else. The Tenth Doctor: I don't want to go. When he shows her that he can, they meet his future self, and get more than they bargained for. As such, it's a nice touch that his death so closely recalls that of the First Doctor; they're even standing over the TARDIS console in roughly the same position when their regenerations begin. doctorwho, johnsmith, oswin. "The War Games" then must contrive a way to deposit the Doctor in that new status quo, and it accomplishes this through the Second Doctor's trial, exile, and de facto execution at the hands of his own people, the Time Lords. Ten’s voice had a hoarse edge to it as he looked down at his regeneration. However it is later revealed that this regeneration was indeed a simulation since the Doctor who was shot was actually a Teselecta robot. For a Time Lord, it's only a tiny extra step to learn how to die with joy and a purpose as well. It all combined into one beautiful farewell for the Eleventh Doctor.
Unlike all his successors, this is the one Doctor who was actually born, who naturally aged from child to old man, with an entire life tucked in between those points that we're unlikely ever to see. As Terrance Dicks himself argues on the story's making-of documentary, the Doctor's lines about his greed for information is more an indication of Letts' fascination with Buddhist thought than it is a particularly well-considered critique of the Third Doctor. 1. After sacrificing his life to defend Trenzalore, and granted a whole new cycle of incarnations by the Time Lords, the Doctor regenerated once more…. The Ninth Doctor refuses to have any more blood on his hands, and for that he is rewarded with the arrival of Bad Wolf Rose. His melancholy and his impotent rage merely externalize and clarify the same kind of internal conflict the Third Doctor was likely going through in "Planet of the Spiders." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Compared to other Doctors, the Fifth can sometimes seem woefully naïve, even feckless in his willingness to let events unfold around him. I don't mean that in terms of the altered history of the Time War, at least not directly, because that might suggest this Doctor's sacrifice – his very existence, even – doesn't matter so much when his most formative memory is a lie. The Eleventh Doctor starts his regeneration outside the TARDIS though he does end it … After eons of outwitting the cosmos, chaos finally catches up to the Seventh Doctor. All Doctors are touched by tragedy and death, but the Eighth Doctor in particular lost so many people that he cared about so deeply. Spectrox toxemia is a brutally appropriate cause of death for the Fifth Doctor, considering he and Peri only contract the disease after idly brushing against some raw spectrox. How will the Eleventh Doctor handle rediscovering what he thought he'd lost forever? That enforced change in appearance only happens because Troughton had decided three seasons was enough; if he had decided to stay on, "The War Games" would need only the quickest of rewrites to account that hypothetical change. The divergence is that Peri is the Fifth Doctor's friend and companion, whereas the gunship crew member Cass hates the Doctor from the first moment she learns just what he is. If that doesn't seem like an entirely apt summation of all the Third Doctor stood for… well, at least the attempt is there.
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