ocean baby girl names

The Grief Chronicles:: With you in my eyes like flaming ... Interested in a European name? 200 Baby Boy & Girl Names That Mean "Ocean" Or "Sea" Full of power and depth, Ocean is rising in usage as a baby name, given to 116 baby girls and 166 baby boys in 2018. Interesting namesakes: British writer Beryl Bainbridge and British aviatrix Beryl Markham. Could make for an awkward trip to europe for your kid.... Don (author) from Tennessee on January 29, 2020: Why not, if you have some sort of connection with that particular name? I found a large collection of names inspired by Ocean at Babynamescube. Dune -- This sci-fi-ish name references the beach. These timeless "old-lady" names are gaining modern appeal. Genny Glassman. A name popular among African-American parents, with many spelling variations, including Malek and Maliq. ", Margaret (after a river beach in Australia). See the popularity of the girl's name Ocean over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. And a lot easier to read than your old one, Actually. 67. 300+ Baby Names Inspired by the Ocean and Other Types of Water, 150+ Unique, Beautiful Flower Names for Girls, 180+ Earthy Baby Names Inspired by Nature. 68. Baby names that mean ocean or sea are a subset of names that mean water. Browse over 8,800 Baby Girl Names with Name Meanings and Origins from around the world! Parenting. Discover ocean baby names for girls that are all about sea creatures. Girl Names that Mean Water. It’s basic mythology. In Greek, Oceana means "ocean," but in recent years, French parents have been tweaking the spelling to Oceane (pronounced oh-she-ANN) for a chic alternative. Don (author) from Tennessee on January 22, 2019: A few months before I wrote the article, I was helping my cousin look for a name for her baby that was due in a few months. For instance, I think "Rudder" would be a great name for a new baby boy, especially if paired with a last name that makes it even more interesting. There are so many beautiful water names for girls. A LOT of these names just sound like you hate your child or something. A dark and enchanting fantasy adventure perfect for those who prefer their fairytales with a twist. The first in the bestselling School for Good and Evil series. Sep 17, 2017 - Ocean Inspired Baby Girl Names - Powerful and beautiful, calm and wild, luminous and mysterious; few things encapsulate the spirit of life like the ocean. Name Search. S ea baby names and what they mean, for sea, wave, ocean, with 87 results. This is a an elegant and unique baby shower/gender reveal guest book which provides more than just a space for guests to sign their names. In Greek, it means "fate, destiny". Hoping for a name with Irish origins? I unwisely decided to make a mermaid character with TEN brothers, so this was very useful to me. Our all-star here is Narissa, an Italian beauty that means “sea nymph.” Talassa is a gorgeous pick who hails from Greece. After looking up its meaning, I was not in any doubt that I wanted to use it. Guinevere was the name of the beautiful but ill-fated queen of Camelot, for so many years eclipsed by its modern Cornish form Jennifer. Dated British favorite that never caught on in this country, where Jade remains the green gem of choice. Found inside – Page 489... sweet girl Mellrose, Melrosie Melua (Unknown) rising Melusine (Mythology) honey bee Melvia (American) leader; dark Mel, ... girl who shines like the sea Meri, Merial, Merri, Merriyl, Merry Meris (Latin) form of Merissa: ocean-loving ... Some of these name meanings are inaccurate. © 2021 Nameberry.com.Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. You could use Piper too, since sand pipers are the quick-stepping birds that dot the surf. She wanted a unique and wonderful name that nobody else had. Sea Creature Names. One of the most romantic of appellations, as well as being a geographical name of the large salty sea between Asia and Europe that probably inspired C.S. Baiji (Chinese origin) means 'white-finned dolphin' and is the name of a species also known as the Chinese river . This name owes its present life to actress Sorvino. Maris is an unusual and appealing name that has never appeared in the U.S. Top 1000, overshadowed by its twentieth century elaboration, Marisa/Marissa. Our site has over 18,000 Baby Names with Unique Name Meanings and Origins from around the whole world! So what better inspiration could there be for naming your newborn?From Hebrew to Italian, Greek to Sanskrit, here are some beautiful name ideas for your little merma… Encourages readers to identify what fears are holding them back and learn how to conquer them, as well as how they can achieve their life goals. Cordelia is a Nameberry favorite—Number 106 on the site—and it reentered the US Top 1000 in 2014 after a 60+ year absence. Parenting. Oceane, the version that's trendy in France, was used for only nine baby girls in the US in the same year. Currently Number 60 for baby boys born in its native Scotland; it was at its highest in the US in 1922, when it reached Number 208, but has been off the list since 1975. It derives from the phrase "Stella Maris," star of the sea, one of the many epithets of the Virgin Mary, and became familiar via the unseen (but unliked) character of sitcom Frasier's ex-sister-in-law. He's in his sixties and hasn't ever considered changing it, and I'm proud to know him. From literary heroines to Spanish princesses, this list offers plenty of inspiration to help you find a beautiful name for your daughter. An offbeat possible replacement for the overused Melissa and Marisa, Nerissa was used by Shakespeare for Portia's witty confidante in. As little as 10 years ago some of the baby names used now would have seemed ridiculous. My name is Catalina, it Spanish for Pure and their are islands and water planes named after it so I’d say its water themed also I recommend coral it so simple and I have a friend named Mariana and I know a boy called ocean. Don (author) from Tennessee on January 16, 2019: You're right, that would make a wonderful first name for either a boy or a girl. Nautical Baby Girl Names. That's how I came up with my name: ControlledChaos1. Mermaid Names for Girls That Are Deep Sea Darlings // 124 names. The appeal of Neri are its deep roots combined with its simple, upbeat, modern feel, ala Peri and Rory. So what better inspiration could there be for naming your newborn? Why is Britney in the ocean theme names for girls?? Ocean literally means "ocean". Along with Kai and Morgan, names meaning ocean that rank in the US Top 1000 include Dylan, Jennifer, Kailani, Malik, Marina . I guess?? I think Shannon and Nile are good names that are sea/water themed. :). I think that Wet is a good name for a child born into an ocean-loving family. Found inside – Page 4Can't wait to give your child a nickname? Many parents are indeed jumping straight to this option by bestowing their children with an abbreviation from birth. Looking at the list of popular girl's names, Sophie is now more popular than ... Thank you! Mermaid names for girls are stunning finds from the deep blue sea. Many of these quirky, old-fashioned girl names are moving up quickly on the trend list: Trudy, Celia, Etta, and Lillian, among others. In all fairness this was back in the early 1900s, but this name has been used before. It might be surprising to know that this name originated as a Scottish place and surname name, as in Washington Irving. It might remind you of a river in italy, it also means Butt in german, though. Thank you, Don! We're sure you'll end up with a baby name that you'll love. Don (author) from Tennessee on October 26, 2018: I actually know someone who knows someone whose 2nd Uncle was names Wet. Thank you for this website. I thought about putting origins for every name (e.g., Tiger comes from tiger shark), but I thought it would take away from the article. Make this experience even more enjoyable by choosing a name that has personal meaning to you.Thanks to Baby Girl Names, choosing that name is easy. We have thousands of names listed in this book. JUMP TO: Popularity Trend Chart. The name Ocean is a girl's name. A less-obvious approach to giving your baby girl a beach- or surfing-inspired name is to choose one with "water" in the meaning — like the names below. I fell like Ryuku can fit any gender! This name refers to a seashell and is a gorgeous name for a baby girl. If you love Dixie, Trixie and Pixie, this name of a mermaid-like sprite in German folklore may be for you. i feel like those are very odd choices. I'm also fascinated by the sea, and I love scuba diving, so these names would be ideal to use for my writing. These Southern baby names for boys and girls will reflect your pride of living south of the Mason-Dixon line. Found inside – Page 400“Ikh bin gekimen dikh tsu nemen,” Jerusza whispered in Yiddish, a language the girl would not yet know. ... From the folds of Jerusza's cloak, the baby watched soundlessly, her mismatched ocean eyes round, as Berlin vanished behind them ... Sep 17, 2017 - Ocean Inspired Baby Girl Names - Powerful and beautiful, calm and wild, luminous and mysterious; few things encapsulate the spirit of life like the ocean. Ocean girl names. Found inside – Page 319... Savana, Savanah, Savanne, Savann, Savane, Savanneh Savarna (Hindi) Daughter of the ocean Savarnia, Savarnea, Savarniya, ... Secundus, Segunda, Sekunda Seda (Armenian) Voices of the forest Sedda, Sedah, Seddah Sedona Girls' Names 319. Fury would be a wonderful name as long as the last name has a rapport with it. Then get your friends and family to vote on them! Bible names are some of the oldest on our planet. They all sound like they belong together; whether inspired by the ocean, rivers or wetlands. Apt name for a little drama queen with a long future ahead of her. Ocean-Themed Names for Girls. Oceane, the version that's trendy in France, was used for only nine baby girls in the US in the same year. Suriyapong Thongsawang/iStock. She also has stunning variants, including Oceane and Oceania. I cant believe athena is in here thats my childs name. Ocean on her own is the mightiest of these options with her raw power and beauty. It became a popular choice for first-generation Jewish-American boys, such as best-selling authors Irving Stone and Irving Wallace, whose parents looked to surnames from the British Isles to confer a measure of assimilation and class. It also has some strong namesakes going for it -- singer Marvin Gaye, composer Marvin Hamlisch and boxer Marvin Hagler. Nixie -- This sprightly German name means water nymph. Don (author) from Tennessee on September 30, 2018: "Cilia" was actually one of the first names I came up with for this article when thinking about the ocean. Take a look through this list of baby girl names and add your favorites to your favorite names list. Now that is a unique first name! please, for the love of god, do not name your child booby. This jaunty Celtic surname -- the most common family name in Ireland -- is totally viable as a first. Some parents like sea-based meanings rather than actual words, opening up an ocean of possibility. And let's not forget mention Marvin Gardens on Monopoly. A lot of these names do sound weird to me too, but a lot of these I also love, and use a lot of these names and other websites like this to name my Minecraft dogs, cats, and horses in a texture pack!! 68. I personally think that Sabrina is a name, but that might just be me. The name suggestions below were inspired (at least partly) by those trips and some of my own family history; they include a variety of sea-related terms, including everything from nautical slang and ocean trenches to saltwater animals and plants to underwater ridges and ocean-related words in other languages. (Especially if there is more than one person.). Rafferty -- This Irish name, chosen by Jude Law, means floodtide and has a larger meaning of abundance. 40. “The exclusive,” in allusion to the plant of the same name regarded as sacred to Venus. Meaning: ocean. I know that humanity give the names, but I also wonder if these water based animals have names of their own that we don't know about. Um..... XD i wonder who would name the child "Wet" XD LOL... but other then that keep up the awsome work!! Say I have a dirty mind but a woman would hear no end to her name being...sexual. Don (author) from Tennessee on July 12, 2018: A lot of people may think a certain name is crazy, but there are lots of others who like names that are different or unique. Murphy -- This unisex Irish name means "sea warrior". As long as parents have been naming their children, they have been drawn to names inspired by colors. Our site has over 18,000 Baby Names with Unique Name Meanings and Origins from around the whole world! I decided to write this article a little while later. The more streamlined Maris is a more modern sounding option. Full of power and depth, Ocean is rising in usage as a baby name, given to 116 baby girls and 166 baby boys in 2018. . Looking to the natural world for inspiration when coming up with a name for your child is one of the most natural instincts parents can have. My wife is expecting withing the next few months. You'll always remember it. Found insideSome of Britain's quirky baby names Boys Girls Axton Bay Blaze Clover Blue Glory Cosmo Lux Digby Oceana Forest Peaches Obi Porsche Ocean Reign Ren Teddie Royal Venice Heavenly hyphenation One of the most common ways parents add twists ... The field of nature names is constantly expanding to include all species of flowers and trees and animals and birds and even fish. I have a cattery and I have Cabana Boy, and Tiki girl, I also have flip flop, she's my favorite. Along with Kai and Morgan, names meaning ocean that rank in the US Top 1000 include Dylan, Jennifer, Kailani, Malik, Marina . Pearl isn’t often thought of as ocean-based, but this gem of a name comes from the heart of the sea. Within the top 1000 baby names then, there were 9 Sea names. One of my very best friends lives with his family out in California, and I visit at least once a year. Some of these are just... Why? It is the god of seas and lakes in finnish mythology. Browse thousands of boy and girl names from the most popular to the unique and unusual. You may wish to give your daughter a name that means ocean, a river name, a mythical water name, or a name that means water lily. It can also mean "admirable," "peace," or even "female ruler," all of which might . Um.... for the first one you put Athena but I think you meant to put Aphrodite. Mira can also be a short form of Miryam or Miranda. Few monikers are as laidback as ocean names for girls. Booby?! With unforgettably vivid characters, mesmerizing language, and page-turning suspense, Circe is a triumph of storytelling, an intoxicating epic of family rivalry, palace intrigue, love and loss, as well as a celebration of indomitable female ... Oceane (oh-see-EN) has been one of the chicest names in France for several years, ranking in the French Top 50. Meaning “blue ocean,” the Spanish sweetheart Zulimar is another option. Found insideWe're predicting many more aquatic names to appear on our list in coming years like: Harbor, Aqua, Rain, Delta, Ocean, and Bay. A-PLUS! It's a fact, parents love names that start with A...but what about names that end with it too? Murray, you may be surprised to discover, is a Scottish surname name --that of an ancient noble clan--with a sea-swept meaning, and just could be in the next wave of reevaluated grandpa names. If you are outside Wales, you may wish to consider the Irish alternative Lir, which has the same meaning and an easier sound. "Cilia: Was used as a nickname for a fat man in South Italy decades ago" - I like the name but what even is that obscure reason, "Fury: Nothing is more violent than the sea" - That's just reaching, "Grouper: I actually know two men with this name" - Again, I like the name, but... good for you?? This name is truly unisex, and it always conjures up Bob Dylan's beautiful lyrics . Nature names like Ocean and River are flowing back into favor, especially with nature lovers and green-oriented parents. Discover ocean baby names for girls that are all about sea creatures. Nice lens. The entire family live their lives around the ocean and have names inspired by it. From princes to villains, this list has it all! A few years ago I went fishing for the Atlantic Goliath grouper. The turbulent yet calm and majestic ocean is the inspiration for many parents longing to raise girls as an inspiring figure. Jenna was first noted on the 1980s TV series, Jennifer is the Cornish variation of Guinevere, which ultimately derived from the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar. Don (author) from Tennessee on June 13, 2018: Names change with the times. Variation of Maris or a combination of Maria + Louisa, "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved + famous battle", Russian or Persian, variation of Daria or feminine form of Darius. A simple but unusual name with roots in disparate cultures, Neri appears in the Bible as a male name and is still sometimes used for boys as well as girls. Turning to the sea's residents is another great way to find ocean names for girls. Related Baby Names Lists. Mama Natural book cover right week by week guide to pregnancy and childbirth. This baby girl name is one of the coolest ocean names of Hebrew origin. 41. In Greek, Oceana means "ocean," but in recent years, French parents have been tweaking the spelling to Oceane (pronounced oh-she-ANN) for a chic alternative. "A novel set on a remote Australian island, where a childless couple live quietly running a lighthouse, until a boat carrying a baby washes ashore"-- Unsung heroes who are never featured in newspapers or TV shows are—and always have been—all around us. I'm willing to bet that if there is nobody in the entire world named Booby at the moment there will be within the next few years. She wanted something inspired by the ocean, but all we found was the same generic stuff. Moana was also an alternate name for the heroine Ofelia in. We decided to name our child after the ocean because it is strong, powerful, ancient and enduring. I don't necessarily agree that abuse would happen, though. These precious autumn-inspired baby names help parents find a name for their new addition. It's a cute Japanese name. Let’s surf through some highlights of ocean-themed girl names together. Dylan. Maurea. “The sentry,” in allusion to the belief of the ancients that a coral talisman served as a warning against the approach of evil spirits. I'm surprised Kelsey isn't on here. Found inside – Page 450See AGNES ( English Names ) . ... ( FAH - NOO - AH ) FATUIMOANA The hala garlands threaded to take to the ocean fishing . ... ( FAY - TOO - 00 ) FIELIKI Wishing to be washed with oil and water like a newborn baby . I LOVE all names related to the ocean and water and these names are beautiful! With names like Brooke or Ford maybe a water themed baby name is for you. According to Greek mythology, she is the Goddess who defeated the God of Sea to decide who would look after Athens. Its most noted modern bearer: football star turned actor Merlin Olsen, whose father was named Merle. She has natural charm along with her nautical vibes, and we wouldn’t be surprised if she continues to inch higher on the charts. A subset of names that mean water, ocean names include baby names with ocean or sea related meanings, such as Kai and Morgan, the names of specific oceans and seas, as well as the names of sea creatures and mythological aquatic figures. My moms name is Narda and I’m pretty sure it’s close. Names associated with the ocean (or water in general) have always held a special place in my heart. There's nothing more humbling than letting the sound of the ocean put you to sleep. Some we especially like: Ocean -- In France, Oceane has been popular for girls, but Ocean works as a name for either boys or girls. I don't know anyone with an ocean name, but I LOVE the name Aukai! I really love comments that are constructive and help make an article better. Occupational name lovers will especially adore Sailor, a find that's perfect for a baby girl who isn't afraid to venture through the seven seas or any of life's other obstacles. The ocean is "fat" as it covers more than 70% of our planet. This name is of Japanese origin and means "sea" or "ocean.". Who the f*$# would name their child Booby?! Following is the list of 30 ocean names for girls or related to it: 1. I created the name ocearna and then i see Oceania and im over the moon that actually there is a name like that, I liked Athena because it’s a god of Greece and it means love and wisdom. Today, Guinevere could be a cool possibility for adventurous parents intrigued by this richly evocative and romantic choice. Athena. Morgan, once split evenly between the sexes, is a strong and attractive Welsh favorite, still a common. Found inside – Page 301Salmah , Savarna ( Hindi ) Daughter Shay , Siana Selle , Sellma , Zelma of the ocean . ... Sesilia , Senia , Senya Sawny Sesiliah Senalda ( Spanish ) Sign , Sawsan ( Arabic ) Great- Secunda ( Latin ) Secondborn child . ... Girl Names 301. Last but not least in this group is Marina. Japanese name that would have no trouble assimilating--though many would associate it with the dried seaweed used to wrap sushi. why is 'water' and 'wet' here for names?? Ocean Names For Girls. Giving your baby girl a name meaning ocean, sea or water is a great idea because the ocean is powerful, beautiful and mysterious - just like your daughter! If you're torn between Cordelia and the equally lovely Cora, you can always choose Cordelia for long and then call her Cora for short—or Delia, Lia, Del, or even the extremely different Cordie. © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Baby Names Ocean will help you choose the best baby name for your beloved child. Pretty feminissima name that never became as overused as cousin Melissa. All of the names have been verified using trusted academic sources in order to ensure the correctness of the meanings and the appropriateness of their use by Muslims. The book includes names from both Eastern and Western languages. Kairi is the name of the main female character in the popular role-playing video game series. This is one of the more unusual examples of a group of Greek names connected to the sea. Nobody knows whether it was a mistake, but everyone present understood her to say "Booby". I especially like the names Typhoon and Monsoon. I am working on a book about a tribe that lives underwater with water-based names, so this really helped! Nice. I hope you find the below list of baby names useful. Rudder refers to part of a ship used to steer. According to Greek mythology, she is the Goddess who defeated the God of Sea to decide who would look after Athens. No baby's success is guaranteed before its birth, but you may be able to give your child a helping hand that will stick with them through their life. This feminine name used in the Western culture is a derivative of the Latin word "maris," meaning "of the sea.". We have thousands of baby names for girls from the most popular to the unique and unusual. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West use Nori as a nickname for their daughter North. We have thousands of baby names for girls from the most popular to the unique and unusual. Found inside – Page 48GIRL NAMES Ai (EYE). A name that means “love.” Ching (CHING). ... Meaning “sea” or “ocean.” This character con-tains the root for “water” and depicts a woman with breasts nurturing a child. Hong (HONG). Meaning “red. Kelsey is also celtic for "brave". Grouper is an ocean-inspired name. The story he told me about how he got his name goes like this: His mother died during childbirth and her dying words was naming her new baby boy. Even on a guy it's not good. Doris had long been on our so-far-out-it-will-always-be-out-for-babies list, and seemed to be written there in indelible ink. Plenty of children are born in the colder months of the year, so why not choose a name for them inspired by that cold? There’s Shelly, who brings back fond memories of collecting seashells as a kid and Sandy, an obvious nod to the beach. Found inside – Page 94Gift Names T * * * he idea of a child being agift from God isembedded in dozens of names throughout the world . Among the many spiritual ... Name for a girl born under one of the zodiac water signs of Cancer , Pisces , or Scorpio . This list includes girls' names that mean ocean and other water-related girl names. Covers the history to 1647. Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Ocean. She does have literary cred via Edinburgh-born author Muriel Spark, author of. It's old english meaning is "ship's victory" or "ship's Island". Circling sea or great brightness; bright or white sea dweller. Here is a complete list of names inspired by various elements of nature, including flowers, herbs, and trees. From Colleen Hoover, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Ends With Us, a heart-wrenching love story that proves attraction at first sight can be messy. Girl Names that . It turns out that if it were not for him saving a damsel in distress, I would have never been born. For more baby names, take a look at Names Meaning Water and Ocean Names For Girls. Perhaps the parents wanted the child to grow up tough? The ocean is an endless source of inspiration for new baby names. Powerful and beautiful, calm and wild, luminous and mysterious; few things encapsulate the spirit of life like the ocean. Well, we have ideas for all these water themed names. Turning to the sea's residents is another great way to find ocean names for girls. This feminine name used in the Western culture is a derivative of the Latin word "maris," meaning "of the sea.". There are any different water themed names for girls. Lynn, Arista, Lyla, Cordelia, Eve, or Siren? Maren is one of the many twenty-first-century takes on Mary--but we find the more classic Marin spelling preferable. Don (author) from Tennessee on March 15, 2019: Thanks for your input; changes have been made to correct that. I also think Mariana is appropriate, after the Mariana Trench. Included here are names with ocean or sea related meanings, such as Kai and Morgan, the names of specific oceans and seas, as well as the names of sea creatures and mythological aquatic figures. Sea names are rather popular as baby girl names. Found inside – Page 88But the baby girl's story was quite different . The person who got the baby girl was one of Mr. Wang's best and closest friends . When the baby girl was born , Mr. Wang also registered his friend and his friend's wife's names as the ... Fortunately, it doesn't still go by its original form: O'Raighbheartaigh. A lovely alternative for the Jennifer-lover. These nautical names for girls seek inspiration from the water body. Ariel So choosing a sailor girl name for your munchkin is no longer a difficult task. One in particular was about my great, great, great grandpa whose first name was Ocean. Aberdeen: Meaning "mouth of the river" Adira: Of Hebrew origin meaning majestic, strong, or noble Anthia: Greek name that means "lady of the flowers" Aukai: Hawaiian for "explorer of the sea" Azure/Azurine: A French girl's name that means "sky-blue" Beck: British term that means "mountain stream" Bermuda: After the triangle.A good name for someone born in October. The most obvious ocean names for girls are ones relating to the water itself. 40. These names remind us of nature, colors, Thanksgiving, and harvest during the fall. Here is a list of over 100 names for girls and boys inspired by every color of the rainbow. THIS WEBSITE IS SO AWESOME THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS AS AN OFFICIAL WEBSITE!!! It means strong, powerful or noble. Kai has many origins and meanings. Here are some timeless, Disney-inspired name suggestions that your little girl will be proud of her whole life. Mira is a true cross-cultural choice, with the literal meaning of "look" in Spanish, a peaceful meaning in several Eastern European languages, a well-used name in Arabic cultures meaning queen-like or a female ruler, and a nature name in Sanksrit. Also used for boys, Marley is one of the. Oh, by the way (I forgot), I do know someone who knew someone called "Wet". I've got a good feeling my child's name will come from your article.

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ocean baby girl names