In addition to being accessible via university-managed desktops and laptops, staff and students can connect to UniDrive using their personal devices (such as laptops and tablets). Select from the choices below to configure your device for UniConnect. 110 0 obj <> endobj No matter where you are, your files will always be backed-up and available. For students, we recommended the use of Student Drive. %PDF-1.5 %���� This does not mean that you are completely safe.
119 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<70B556B1A37769295F7C23FAFC000339><10DD2174D7681D4FBD28EB822B51808D>]/Index[110 19]/Info 109 0 R/Length 66/Prev 197267/Root 111 0 R/Size 129/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Upload using the Upload functionality in OneDrive online, 3. Students who have graduated or studied at UWA previously, who cannot log in with a Pheme password, can order and pay for documents online.
The UniDrive service provides staff and students with structured data storage areas - including the IRDS - which can be accessed from both on and off campus. Student Central Our team is here to help. To access your UniDrive network storage using your own personal device, follow the appropriate setup guide for your device. Student wired access points at UWA; Remote VPN access when you are at home. To avoid late enrolment fees enrol online now. 25120 - Bachelor of Environmental Design (INACTIVE) Academic Year 2010 : Teaching Period 2010/1: Help Help: Unit Code: Unit Name: Campus: Class The guides below outline the settings and information you will need to provide to setup the client app to access UniDrive.
Note that the OneDrive App is also available for Android and IOS devices from your app store. You should consult your local IT support about how this is done. For privacy protection, you must first obtain a photographic identity verification link (valid for a single order within two weeks).
Once installed, log in using your UWA credentials using the format
UWA's student access to the Student Information Management System.
0 Wireless Local Area Networks (LANs) are safe for use with all traffic between your computer and the UniConnect server encrypted. UniConnect is available to all UWA staff and students.. Back to top All of your online activity whilst connected passes through the University network, including internet activity. For Android and Apple iOS devices, you will need to download a WebDAV client of your choice for your mobile device.
Drag files from your computer's H: to OneDrive, 2. Your machine is assigned a UWA internet address as if you were on-campus. For students, we recommended the use of Student Drive. Connection to the UniConnect is achieved by authenticating your Pheme account. endstream endobj 111 0 obj <>/Metadata 10 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[120 0 R]>>/PageLabels 106 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 108 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/StructTreeRoot 21 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 112 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 113 0 obj <>stream You can access your network storage drives on any computer in a UniWA-migrated area (if you're unsure whether this applies to your area, please contact your local IT group). Setup instructions for UWA staff can be found on the Staff Intranet. ��lt���ه�x�.G�f��/^Z�9c5�^�Q����mY�mİ���Uv��=0 j�s�a�za�G� �W�� �~��"-���32��d��5�e+�g};�BK���x�٨XnS�t�~ ��VcF)%=Y���1�bS`��8�t��?ϛ���S�m�x��.I_�"���a=f��ڣ�uL��z�%w�ډԺf%r��Z��2�6�ĔL��}�APvaRMa*���ɏ��m;f6&���g�|�d2K�(+�ڎU��V���㵖;0[�ERX+���T=I[K]ܽ��b�� �zy�bQ�8@�C��z�6��| ��Ϝ �/�c�9:=��n��u{�Dګ�L�6V����>��}��KA }�� ��S����ջE� ,�pp5�tg%���A(72�����:��6dޑ�h�zfR�r��c:��mU�˛5L�z�-4�9~Twj-��Éi��n9�7��S��_�Y��?�?Y�1fa@�����0Iq�\`��0��:����r��y�r �`z4-���L��h�:�FF��`*�&�hP�;#X���� I� �b��$V0�K1�),� ��0�0�#���Χ��1���B���F8&>�r2 �@{. This means that a third party cannot view or change any of the information sent between you and the UniConnect server.
You can use the UniConnect service from anywhere that provides full internet connectivity. These resources include various library services, coursework and course information and any online journals which you can normally access only from a UWA machine. Staff and students can access their network drives via two different methods: Staff have access to two different areas within UWA's network storage: Note: A third method, the UniDrive Web Portal is being decommissioned as it does not provide sufficient security for file access. As UniConnect is a key component of the UWA’s security, you will always be prompted to authenticate upon connection, and passwords cannot be stored in the UniConnect client.
You are logged in as David Test Latest News Results for Semester 2 units are now available • Re enrolments for 2011 close on Tuesday, 14 December.
Staff and students are both given a "Home Drive" area, in addition to shared workspaces or "Shared Drives" based on business area and/or course enrolment. You should use UniConnect only whilst you require access to your University resources and disconnect when not required. m��̦e� f�Iq?is���j[�ۦ.�Pհl�7e�¢��u]-;�/�܈��D:ˬ�$���*�}�5� �Oŏ��tm!= idZ���2�[�^D0=BdV�J H��VMs�6��W�C��L&3��i���t�:n*E�Ldҕ�����!ٔ�Hc�o�o1�k��u�7�wm�.n� \�W�|���5���Ђq.k��pÔ�cZs�����w%�?��M���*X���U�n����o�������o�_,8����K��d�Zq��Jg\�o|�;�,װ�MR���&�0�[�p�_m�T����}�����3��b��!�0Л��$sRJX :��7�=8m��\��Kt)t�S�����S�?���N(��M1:�dB�*��|y���q�x !��BOB"IR0m��?43!ӇY&t h�bbd```b``�"m��(0�D�M�ܭ 2D2F���+��z��ā��"�30f�0 #� The UniConnect uses your UWA Pheme account for authentication. Alternatively, order in person at Student Administration. You can access resources which are available only to people on-campus. Traffic passing from the University to you through UniConnect will be included in the total traffic charged to you by your internet provider.
School holiday workshop connects students with renewable energy experts. In addition to being accessible via university-managed desktops and laptops, staff and students can connect to UniDrive using their personal devices (such as laptops and tablets).
... UniConnect for Students.
A “Technical Resources for Online Students” area has been created within Blackboard to assist you with various aspects of your online program. hޤT[o�0�O�cy���\��Hᒂ4Z4ؘ�xp�@Ԑ ���?���!����],�\�Oa�b�g���9Ǭmls��n�>Hm������ly��!wb'�R����\K� ӗ�$��[� 9]%���0[�G���o�%R(GH �0����G$!�Q]#r YƞY�j��Ӄ68��?s��d`�T�d�����>s2�v;��+�����. You are strongly encouraged to move your personal work-related files from the H: drive to the OneDrive Service. Phone: +61 8 6488 3235; Email: askUWA, or for course enquiries, email your Student Advising Office (details below) Location You should be wary of viruses, Trojan horses and ad/spyware which may grant a third party access to your computer. endstream endobj startxref endstream endobj 114 0 obj <>stream
You can use the UniConnect service from anywhere that provides full internet connectivity.
As UniConnect is a key component of the UWA’s security, you will always be prompted to authenticate upon connection, and passwords cannot be stored in the UniConnect client. OneDrive uses the cloud to store your documents, and can be set to sync with documents stored locally. 09 September 2020 High school students will have the opportunity to explore the future of renewable energy engineering and connect with industry experts at a school holiday workshop to be held at UWA. Sync your local folder(s) to OneDrive automatically, Once you have verified that the files from your H: drive are in OneDrive, you can safely delete them in the H: Drive. This means you can work on a document on your work computer and it can automatically sync to the cloud so you can access the same version on another computer and visa versa. Instructions for configuring your computer to connect to Uniconnect. This includes your home ADSL connection, some hotels and conferences; and some airport lounges. Who can use UniConnect.
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