Our Mission. Aquinas College, an inclusive educational community rooted in the Catholic and Dominican tradition, provides a liberal arts education with a global perspective, emphasizes career preparation focused on leadership and service to others, and fosters a commitment to lifelong learning dedicated to the pursuit of truth and the common good. This emblem brings together imagery sourced from the College’s name and its founding. Aquinas College houses just one hundred and eighty tertiary students and these include first year students through to post-graduate students. The U.S. Conference of Bishops states in The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers that “work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in God’s creation.” In light of that perspective, our students are invited to consider their lives’ journeys and work to have true purpose and meaning for themselves and for others. Aquinas College is a residential community of adult learners that draws on the richness of the Catholic intellectual tradition and embraces the best in contemporary approaches to tertiary education and student residential care. At Aquinas College, we believe it’s just as important to learn on-campus, in the community and around the world.
THE AQUINAS COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT. From one of our many registered student organizations, to Campus Life events, to the Center for Diversity & Inclusion, there’s something for everyone at AQ. At Aquinas College we are committed to educating our students to take their place in a global environment and to view the world from multiple perspectives with an awareness of God in their lives guided by the virtues taught by our College Patron, St Thomas Aquinas, and our College values - spirituality, belonging, perseverance, compassion, stewardship and justice. Aquinas College is dedicated to helping all those who participate in our higher-education community in search of improving their lives. We have the highest expectations of all our students. G2.2 Aquinas College’s branding, marketing and external and internal communication practices will be of outstanding quality and efficacy. In this way the presence of Christ is celebrated. Established in 1980, the college is owned by the Diocese of … Our students and their families make enormous sacrifices, financial and otherwise, to be a part of the Aquinas College community. The wolves symbolize the hospitality of the Loyola family. We will demonstrate these sensitivities in our classrooms, curricula, offices, meeting places and living environments. Aquinas College is a Catholic sixth form college providing for 1800 students over the age of sixteen. G3.5 Create an appropriate common experience based on the Aquinas College mission across all traditional undergraduate students and for all post-traditional students. Aquinas College will be a leader in the manifestation of Dominican values in a diverse and inclusive Catholic institution of higher education. All of us will be sensitive in our actions, words and deeds. It is taken to mean, “to enlighten with knowledge and enliven with faith.”, The College is accepting applications for 2021 residency. G4.2 The College’s physical infrastructure will be designed to provide an outstanding student experience and to reflect the College’s mission. The team members with primary responsibility for these tasks will assemble cross-functional working groups and, to the extent possible, will use existing campus structures. St Thomas, a doctor of the Church, remains one of the most influential philosophers, theologians and scholars in the history of the Church.
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