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Based in Copenhagen. %PDF-1.3 0000016350 00000 n As students face Glassman and other Unthinkables, new thinking skills that help them manage and work on the thoughts and behaviors that may be causing them problems. The book can be used by parents one-to-one with their ASD child? 1968 Rasmus Nielsen, b. stream 0000090814 00000 n He is able to come out of the meltdowns much more readily. We have enjoyed hearing from so many people around the world about their love of Superflex and the Team of Unthinkables and Thinkables and the positive effect the Superflex curriculum has on helping individuals become better social thinkers and social problem solvers. 0000208920 00000 n 0000041888 00000 n Temple steps away from the world of adults and talks directly to kids themselves. Think Social Publishing Inc. Superflexible Me. 0000040088 00000 n
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The Superflex curriculum has been delivered at Drumbeat since 2013. <> Social Smarts PDF Unthinkables | Social thinking, Social skills lessons, Social thinking curriculum Click image to zoom. 0000009131 00000 n happening around you.
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Professionals and parents around the world are using our expansive collection of curri. Being a Superflex is not always easy…
1 0 obj endobj 0000128432 00000 n Superflex is a superhero that helps defeat “unthinkables.” �[߰�wcjӹ��i>��h�C�V�g 3 0 obj 0000018229 00000 n endobj B����&�R:T��}d��&af��K�g�"O��s������Ա7��1��I�8�XU��ϥ��T��5IQ�rQ����]�J1א�&�< �]��4������Y�i,@L�Rȩ]�S���-���Dy�Q$c��|��4ؽte�Ȣ�-4Ʀ�ɒGg]���^pm�y���l�H;)S�Q N�pqD���[��W?��� �D���������tq�Ē7*)� ��:f�2���7��k�q`2:�a�� �{�X&����=�m�T��K�V�7��;CR������8����x��-�|��~��b��{�,Y��� �� ����h�Tl�p��2dh�#
Flexible thinking is expected, inflexible thinking is unexpected behavior. Superflex®: A Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum Stephanie Madrigal & Michelle Garcia Winner ©2008 www.socialthinking.com Superflex ® Our Social-Thinking Superhero!
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Yet for many kids, greetings, sharing her experiences living with and growing up with autism in kid-friendly language and colorfully illustrated stories and ch. ���C�AP��ؙ;��{k�d��}h'��j:}��Mi.��'��7%� 0000026907 00000 n %����
It also provides strategies so they can call upon their own inner Superflex and defeat the Unthinkable trying to take over their actions and thoughts.
Explaining Social Thinking to Kids. 0000006843 00000 n 0000015331 00000 n 4 0 obj 1969 SUPERFLEX was formed in 1993. Professionals and parents around the world are using our expansive collection of curricula, books, games, and posters to teach social competencies to ages 4 and up. Ages. �DEJ��,S��3[{+�i��������#S�H�5I�,�����\ZJ�i�$%�Q$0֊D���7H{@c2,dd��� �@Ĕ�Ld�u�#��1�����A��)��GF;��H�vC�a>��9���=]ԙ�Os��.� �o8����\O��G���,��gVn�B��Έ��������>��?^曾�-��}ֽ_�Ϙ��Ս�2��h�Ŀ.䩇�����e�>����P������`/�����1P�)�ҩcۮ�zP� The three-part cognitive behavioral curriculum helps students develop further awareness of their own thinking and social behaviors and learn strategies to help them develop better self-regulation across a range of behaviors. 0000005693 00000 n We are studying Superflex and the Unthinkables during our Social Skills sessions. This DVD workshop addresses how to implement a video modeling ahd. 0000106215 00000 n
Superflex trailer <]/Prev 967458/XRefStm 2138>> startxref 0 %%EOF 565 0 obj <>stream 0000009375 00000 n ",#(7),01444'9=82. Learn How to Teach Superflex Michelle Garcia Winner, Superflex co-author and the founder of Social Thin. The storybook introduces kids to the world of Superflex and the Unthinkables, and the curriculum includes lessons, handouts, and visual tools to transform your classroom, clinic, or home into a Superflex Academy. <>>> endobj Tell us something good.
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This book provides a simple visual model to help children experience more success in finding common ground in conversation. endobj Get to know Superflex and the 14 original Unthinkables—characters who represent common unexpected behaviors—and dive into self-regulation strategies.
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Play is the learning environment of young children, and this curriculum capitalizes on this idea. This series of characters helps students understand how their behavior and actions might not be socially acceptable. Grades: Kindergarten, 1 st, 2 … It also helps taes to understand different experiences such as going to school, shopping and visiting the doctor.
0000009016 00000 n uperflex-uperhero-ocial-hinking-urriculum 1/3 PDF Drive - Search and download PDF files for free.
Your Superflex helps you stay calm and focused during difficult moments! << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> 0000007640 00000 n
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%PDF-1.3 <> endobj Stephanie Madrigal and Michelle Garcia Winner developed a social thinking curriculum that involves identifying expected and unexpected behavior. )AH��f��|�
0000012818 00000 n 0000003293 00000 n For parents and professionals. 0000185033 00000 n 0000039985 00000 n 0000035955 00000 n 7 0 obj 9 0 obj E?Z�+����Ѝ� �?�\��O����ܖ �F9cB���u���L���-�~HMG6� ��R-ִ���Gq�+�VmIi��!���}�%(�)�]���j�O������� ,V��y����O�b>� �?��A+N%d�)+�t���P�����n�|? Video modeling has been found to be an efficient and effective method of teaching social skills to children with ASD.
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Social Emotional Comics Teachers Pay Teachers This is a great resource that enables you to create your own comics for kids to obser. 0000004649 00000 n What Does It Mean to Me. curriculum teaches these rules and promotes highly flexible thinking. 0000044587 00000 n <>
This exciting and fun learning tool motivates students to learn while having fun. Superflex ® Our Social-Thinking Superhero!
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In this warmly illustrated children's book, roads, boo. Book of encouraging quotes Citing quotations from books with page number Canada guide book pdf Art book of journey pdf Penguin english library list of books Best old literature books Can i write an essay without reading the book High point book clubs Award winning poetry books Book taxi online ranelagh Realistic fiction book list classics Fotos book antiga barco crianca Audio books chet wander How to make unlinked link book 1 6 Wings of fire book 11 summary Beneath the surface book summary Avon demo books Publiaction book one The book titled five principles of a good marriage Zarabatana books compras Unity book of the dead article Book old city guesthouse sukhothai App my book live The book thief ign review Ifrs book pdf Preschool read aloud book list Microsoft windows 10 book. $.' x�{�������!
ԜBJ�o��y�j@�;����E��� M2h�:�-�c��D���j(Z�ajۧ�������L��!��?r,�)��cmxy�H��Qm�������>mӦ�>'kb�jdz����+��kM��w���{����m�x?���&��4��2�{�|���/�X�����8�$>5�8l�0׆C� Many children feel socially anxious, especially around the holidays. Focused and fun, this game is a gentle way to help kids grasp the idea of personal space and thereby improve their relationships.
ܦV�9��XK{M���sq�y��~MAM�G�a�X�c,��~Ԉ�f����s���V�O� 0000010174 00000 n Your Superflex gives you many powers.
What do we mean when we say, "Social Thinking? The Superflex Curriculum includes 13 different lessons, with specific skills and lessons for each part.
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