Many parts on your vehicle are interrelated. Find out if there will be a diagnostic charge if you decide to have the work performed elsewhere.
What should I look for when choosing a repair shop? Look for sign of a leak. Motor oil isn’t the only fluid to check. It seems like a lot of things you need to manage, but many of these services are simple procedures that your auto repair facility can complete that day or with an appointment. Yellowish green, pastel blue or florescent orange colors indicate an overheated engine or an antifreeze leak caused by a bad hose, water pump or leaking radiator.
Before you arrange to have any work performed, ask how the shop prices its work. The smell of gasoline vapors after a failed start may mean you have flooded the engine.
It may be normal condensation from your vehicle's air conditioner.
Shop around by phone and online for the best deal, and compare warranty policies on repairs. The best way to avoid auto repair rip-offs is to be prepared.
In a nutshell: performing regular auto maintenance helps keep your ride running smoothly and can prevent costly repairs down the road. Defective exhaust pipe, converter or muffler. If you decide to get the work done, ask for a written estimate. State law may require this.
A sweet, steamy odor indicates a coolant leak.
Check your owner's manual for the proper octane rating. Here’s a list of common auto maintenance needed to keep your car in tip-top shape: That’s quite a list!
If the problem persists, engine ignition timing could be at fault.
What should I know about the parts to be repaired or replaced? The engine speeds up, but the vehicle does not respond.
Worn crankshaft or connecting rod bearings. An unbalanced or improperly balanced tire causes a vehicle to vibrate and may wear steering and suspension components prematurely.
Ask for all replaced parts. Some of the most common symptoms of transmission problems are: Car trouble doesn't always mean major repairs. If you’re a car owner, it’s critical to know the difference between auto maintenance and auto repair. Loose shock absorber or other suspension component. Make sure the technician checks the simple items first; transmission repairs normally are expensive.
Ignoring maintenance can lead to trouble: specific parts — or an entire system — can fail. Engine continues running after the key is removed.
Your owner’s manual will have a list of maintenance schedules with recommendations on what needs to be done and when. The brake pedal sinks to the floor when pressure is maintained. If you need expensive or complicated repairs, or if you have questions about recommended work, consider getting a second opinion. Usually caused by using gas with a lower octane rating than recommended. Small stains or an occasional drop of fluid under your vehicle may not mean much. But wet spots deserve attention; check puddles immediately. The vehicle should be towed for repair. Check with your state Attorney General or local consumer protection agency for information about your warranty rights.
Even worse, it can do hundreds of dollars of damage to your engine. Balance tires properly. A thick acrid odor usually means burning oil.
What are the consequences of postponing maintenance? Worn universal joint or other drive-line component. State law may require this. Find definitions and diagrams for car terms at to better understand the inner workings of your vehicle and help you confidently visit your local mechanic. Maintenance is regular service that is required for your vehicle while auto repairs are performed when your vehicle is not functioning properly. Knowing how your vehicle works and how to identify common car problems is a good beginning. It's also important to know how to choose a good mechanic, the kinds of questions to ask, and your consumer rights. It should list each repair, parts supplied, the cost of each part, labor charges, and the vehicle's odometer reading when you brought the vehicle in as well as when the repair order was completed. Talk to the shop manager or owner first. You can detect many common vehicle problems by using your senses: eyeballing the area around your vehicle, listening for strange noises, sensing a difference in the way your vehicle handles, or even noticing unusual odors. Shops that do only diagnostic work and do not sell parts or repairs may be able to give you an objective opinion about which repairs are necessary. Brake problems have several symptoms. While there is no hard and fast rule about when to replace shock absorbers or struts, try this test: bounce the vehicle up and down hard at each wheel and then let go. Procedures required to file a claim, like prior authorization for specific repairs or meeting required vehicle maintenance schedules. Maintenance is regular service that will help prolong the life of your vehicle, while auto repair is when a part or fluid is not performing and needs to be fixed. It’s OK if you don’t know the difference between a spark plug and an oil cap – as long as you bring your vehicle to a reputable shop for regular maintenance.
If the temperature gauge or warning light does not indicate overheating, drive carefully to the nearest service station, keeping an eye on your gauges. Without proper maintenance, pricey repairs might be needed.
It should identify the condition to be repaired, the parts needed, and the anticipated labor charge. What warranties and service contracts apply to vehicle repairs? Ask for recommendations from friends, family, and other people you trust. Caused by brake wear indicators to let you know it's time for maintenance. Pull over immediately. Light smoke coming from a wheel indicates a stuck brake.
Springs do not normally wear out and do not need replacement unless one corner of the vehicle is lower than the others.
Document all transactions as well as your experiences with dates, times, expenses, and the names of people you dealt with.
The smell of rotten eggs — a continuous burning-sulphur smell — usually indicates a problem in the catalytic converter or other emission control devices. Here are some common causes of trouble and techniques to help you and your technician find and fix problems: Paying a Premium for High Octane Gasoline?
Whether repair costs are paid directly by the company to the repair shop or whether you will have to pay first and get reimbursed. Not all service contracts are the same; prices vary and usually are negotiable. Continued driving could cause severe engine damage. A dark brown or black oily fluid means the engine is leaking oil. The "brake" light on the instrument panel is lit.
They almost always indicate a problem.
It is really nice to have a company that I can depend on and... My experience here was awesome.
If the odor persists, chances are there's a leak in the fuel system — a potentially dangerous problem that needs immediate attention. They may think it’s unnecessary, they may be too busy to bring their vehicle in, they may want to delay paying for auto services, or they might not realize that doing maintenance now can save money in the long run by avoiding repairs.
To help decide whether to purchase a service contract, consider: How do I resolve a dispute regarding billing, quality of repairs or warranties?
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