Introduces diversity of major animal groups including anatomy, physiology, development, evolution and ecology. College Readiness: Enrolling in one or more of the following courses may be necessary if assessment activities and previous academic experiences indicate a need: TSI development minimum for college readiness (Reading, Writing, Math) ESOL; Learning Frameworks: Effective Fall 2019 semester, students with less than 12 successfully … GEN-AA. Please see requirements regarding non-resident completion of this requirement in the SPC Graduation section. If the student intends to enter a university after leaving South Plains College, a faculty advisor should be consulted in selecting courses to assure junior standing at the transfer institution. This program is offered as a Fully Online program. - General - AA Degree. PROGRAM OF STUDY College of Public Safety Administration Fire Science Technology Associate in Science FIRE-AS Effective Catalog Term: Fall 2017 (0535) through Present (CIP# 1743020112) The requirements below may not reflect degree requirements for continuing students. Cultivates the mind-set and skills necessary for students to become confident, reflective, self-directing, and successful learners. If you have already started the program, click here for the archived Academic Pathways. Students who need additional work to meet the demands of college-level course work will be required to participate in developmental study. General education introduces students to the content and methodology of the major areas of knowledge – communication, the humanities and fine arts, the natural sciences, mathematics and the social sciences – and helps them develop the intellectual skills that will make them more effective life-long learners. Associate of Science Degree. St. Petersburg College is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Complete 3 credits from the approved General Education Mathematics coursework. SLIP-TR.
o the recommended order in which to take the program courses These degree programs are designed to be completed in two years of study; however, students have the option of transferring credits at any time they finish their studies at South Plains College. Minimum requirements for the Associate of Science degree include the following: **Select one 3-hour course from the approved core curriculum. Prerequisite: BIOL& 211. General education courses are broad and general, addressing the essence of the disciplines in each area. Minimum grade of "C" required.
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The requirements shown below are valid beginning Fall 2017 (535), and may not reflect degree requirements for current students. Reading, Writing and Fundamental Mathematical Skills are addressed through the college’s participation in the Texas Success Initiative which ensures that students possess the necessary academic skills to perform effectively in college.
A maximum of 5 credits in performance/skills courses may be applied to the humanities distribution requirement. * Note: Course is pending approval for change to CTS 2314. Along with classes to prepare you for your major at the four-year level, you also take at least 36 hours in general education areas. ALL PROGRAMREQUIREMENTS ability to contribute in a collaborative environment. Program Leadership Information. Prerequisite: PHYS& 222 with a "C" or better, or instructor's permission. Of the 90 credits required for the degree, 85 must be from the General Education Requirements for the Associate in Arts & Science – Direct Transfer Agreement. Contact us, St. Petersburg College is committed to equal access/equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment. Complete 3 credits from the approved General Education Social and Behavioral Sciences coursework.
Oral Communication is addressed through courses approved by the South Plains College Academic Council, satisfactory completion of an oral communications competency test or inclusion of competency-based objectives across departmental or program curricula.
Consult suggested transfer guides and an advisor to determine electives. Although the Associate in Science-Transfer Degree transfers to four-year colleges and universities in Washington State, it may not meet specific department requirements.
Please see requirements regarding non-resident completion of this requirement in the SPC Graduation section. This is accomplished through several methods including participation in the Texas Success Initiative Program (TSI), approved courses within the program or departmental curricula, testing, incorporation of competency-based objectives across departmental or program curricula, and evaluation of high school or college transfer course work.
Effective Beginning Catalog Term: Fall 2017 (535). Minimum requirements for the Associate of Arts* degree include the following: Creative Arts* Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials, Forensic Computer Related Crime Investigations, Computer and Information Technology Concepts, Fundamentals of the Linux/Unix Operating Environment, College of Computer & Information Technology. Covers trigonometric functions and their applications. In those cases where students are exempt from TSI requirements, student competencies are addressed and documented on approved degree plans. The curriculum at South Plains College is designed to help students learn how to discover, appreciate and competently use, with increasing independence, knowledge and skills related to the following areas: human behavior and achievement; the natural world, including logical thought as exemplified by mathematics; written/oral communication and critical reflection; and the application of technology to personal endeavors. Students should consult the recommended transfer guide or degree plans for their particular major. Minimum grade of "C" required. Prerequisite: MATH& 142 with a "C" or better.
Associate degree programs contain a basic core of at least 15 semester hours of general education courses, including at least one course from each of the following areas: humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral science, and natural sciences/mathematics.
o which semester each course is typically offered The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Vice President for Student Affairs, South Plains College 1401 College Avenue, Box 5, Levelland, TX 79336, 806-894-9611. Offered on All Campuses . Students who want to explore the curriculum also frequently pursue the ASA degree. The Associate in Science-Transfer is designed for persons interested in transferring to a four-year college or university to study science or engineering. PRINTED PLAN This program is designed to prepare the student to develop an organizational network and security program using risk management strategies, and to develop a strategy to address the increased growth of informational technology security concerns from regional to international environments. St. Petersburg College offers bachelor's degrees, associate degrees and numerous technical certificates. Introduces general chemistry concepts, including bonding types, chemical nomenclature, basic atomic structure, stoichiometry, reaction prediction, thermochemistry, gas laws, and quantum mechanical concepts. Develops writing skills by focusing on strategies and techniques writers use to convey ideas, evaluate information, make a point, and participate in multiple discourse communities. Prerequisite: MATH& 151 or concurrent enrollment, or instructor's permission. Minimum grade of "C" required.
Introduces fundamental principles and applications of physics relating to electricity and magnetism, light, and optics. Please verify the Academic Pathway lists your correct starting semester. All courses taken must be at college level (numbered 100 or above), with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above. Minimum grade of "C" required. Students should allow more than two years (four semesters) for completing the requirements for an associate degree or certificate if they are required to enroll in developmental studies. Topics include electricity and magnetism, light, and optics. This requirement must be completed within the first 24 credits of coursework toward the AS degree. AS-T Track 1 focuses on chemistry, biology, environmental and natural resource sciences and geology and earth sciences.
Associate of Arts . Federal CIP: 24.0101. Covers differential calculus of single-variable functions. ****Minimum of 9 semester credit hours must come from any combination of ANTH, ARTS, BUSI, COMM, CRIJ, DRAM, ECON, EDUC, ENGL, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, MUSI, KINE, SPAN. (previously Humanities). Introduces fundamental principles and applications of motion, gravitation, and energy, with calculus.
In some cases, this course may also be used to satisfy another General Education Requirement. Students who complete the prescribed course of study may transfer to a four-year college or university to complete the junior and senior-level requirements for the baccalaureate degree. CLASSSCHEDULE. Prerequisite: PHYS& 114 with a "C" or better or instructor's permission. Covers integral calculus of single-variable functions. The core curriculum program established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board facilitates the transfer of college-level credit among colleges and universities in Texas. The general education core represents areas of knowledge and performance that reflect not only courses taken and the degrees earned but also learning as a lifetime endeavor. E-mail comments or suggestions to, South Plains College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement or a "C" or better in MATH& 141 or equivalent. Basic Use of Computers is defined at South Plains College as the ability to demonstrate proficiency in identifying and using hardware components, performing basic file management, and manipulating data using contemporary application software on a microcomputer. Minimum grade of "C" required. Prerequisite: PHYS& 221 with a "C" or better and MATH& 152 or concurrent enrollment, or instructor's permission. Use this link to report accessibility issues on this page.
Business Administration. Minimum grade of "C" required. Effective Beginning Catalog Term: Fall 2017 (535) The requirements shown below are valid beginning Fall 2017 (535), and may not reflect degree requirements for current students.
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