In the Slate article, it says, "Law professor and Senate candidate Richard Painter tweeted the old Times story this weekend and said People of Praise 'looks like a cult'; another prominent critic one-upped Painter by calling it a 'secretive religious cult.'" - The rest of the covenant is sourced from that website. [11][12] The strategic use of praise is recognized as an evidence-based practice in both classroom management[11] and parenting training interventions,[7] though praise is often subsumed in intervention research into a larger category of positive reinforcement, which includes strategies such as strategic attention and behavioral rewards. The article also specifically mentioned the Vatican calling out various Charismatic catholic groups to behave in a certain way that was different than their historical behavior--if that's not criticism, then I don't know what is, but let's pick another word for it, if we must. Maybe you could put these in the body, but we don't typically include lists of non-notable personnel in this way. She wrote: 'I would very much like to testify to the Senate in person as I believe the public should hear first-hand about Amy Coney Barrett's support of patriarchal ideology and resulting oppression of women. In that way, this would be a direct quote of how they describe the situation. Overall, this article makes a great case for the AntiWiki types to "prove" that WP is a hotbed of bias. It might be there and I missed it. User added a link to this article from 2007, which is a self-published statement from Coral Thiell in which she shares the story of what sounds like a very difficult life and marriage. - No. Overall, the article reads like a brochure for the group in question, with zero significant analytical balance on a variety of highly controversial positions. [14] Contrastingly, praise may create negative emotional consequences if it appears disingenuous or manipulative. ", ". Hopefully we can start replacing them with better ones, and also update the text to sound less like a brochure and more neutral. The content there is not "a critique" in any way, In light of Theill's accelerating actism, I !vote, Former POP member Coral Thiell believes that POP is a cult. Social comparison is a psychological process that is widely prevalent, particularly so in educational settings. . While the group in Ann Arbor published, the People of Praise distributed books and organized huge congresses that attracted up to 26,000 participants to the Notre Dame campus. Just wondering where you're going with this or what was intended. In one camp, praise is thought to decrease intrinsic motivation by increasing the presence of external control. I retained an attorney and reported the crimes that had been committed against my children and me. They overlapped, but they were new, so you may have thought it was the same as the old statements, but they were not. We should find an independent source to show this content is noteworthy enough to include. Taking this perspective, the informational aspect of praise is thought to promote a perceived internal locus of control (and thus greater self-determination) while the controlling aspects promote a perceived external locus of control and thus extrinsic compliance or defiance. - Possibly the result of multiple cut and pastes. Source was the POP website. "[1] Theill argues, "Many call [the group] a community but I describe it as a cult. To the extent that they don’t, I can always find more; this was widely discussed. That said, it’s an important part of the infobox, and stating the leaders of the organization is highly relevant. In 1980, the bishop of the Fort Wayne-South Bend diocese received complaints about the People of Praise’s system of headship and that the group fostered fear and guilt, according to an article at the time in the National Catholic Reporter. [clarification needed][1], As a form of social manipulation, praise becomes a form of reward and furthers behavioral reinforcement by conditioning. In the studies mentioned above, person-oriented praise was found to be less beneficial than process-oriented praise, but this is not always found to be the case. In it, she does say that she was abused/mistreated by her doctor, therapists and the judicial system in Oregon. [43] Gender differences may be attributable to normative socialization practices, in which people generally emphasize dependence and interpersonal relationships for girls, but achievement and independence for boys. On March 10, 1996, I was forced, by an Order of the Court, and by my ex-husband, Marty Warner, his attorney, his family and religious supporters, to do something that raged against my good conscience, my common sense and against all my motherly instincts. Pope Francis asks Catholics to remain within the Church in their thinking and their activity so as not to fall into the same trap as the Pharisees did in making the Word of God a matter of private interpretation. ", --Hodgdon's secret garden (talk) 20:34, 5 October 2020 (UTC), nytimes[14] - ". I thought maybe we could trim this down, but I’m not sure how. . When given by a dominant individual it takes the form of recognition and reassurance, reducing the potential of political action aiming for Praise is given across social hierarchy, and both within the ingroup and towards an outgroup; it is an important aspect in the regulation of social hierarchy and the maintenance of group cohesion, influencing the potential for political action and social upheaval. Senators this week, Coral Anika Theill, urged them to allow her to testify at Barrett's confirmation hearings about 'the oppression, abuse and crimes that I and other women were victims of in the People of Praise sect.' Contrastingly, for preschool-age children process praise enhanced post-failure motivation more than person praise, but both were better than neutral feedback. You purportedly have specific concerns but you brought none of them to the talk page, and I’m not inclined to re-do my work just to have it reverted when [citation needed] is the appropriate way to evolve the page. I cited appropriately. Mention of various anecdotes of treatment of members, specifically women, is appropriate, and I provided content from the AP interview, - Let's just get this out of the way: It's not appropriate to revert content because you don’t like the heading it’s under. [47] In interdependent cultures, individuals are generally motivated by self-improvement. Since 1981 the People of Praise has separated itself from the Word of God/Sword of the Spirit and has disavowed its connection with Stephen B. Clark and his writings. The fact that two partisan folks went on Twitter and said the word 'cult' in association with People of Praise doesn't seem very surprising in the environment we're in. This is not a diary or family tree of the personal lives of every member of this group. D1xrfgf3 9 December 2006, Recent AP article discusses controversial aspects of this group including strict hierarchy and gender division "the board of governors consists of all men" and their "involvlement in every consequential decision.. including what car to buy" went through the all male hierarchy — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2601:500:8501:20E0:3435:BC67:F74D:B41F (talk) 00:18, 30 September 2020 (UTC). Novellasyes (talk) 02:51, 24 September 2020 (UTC), There's a new section in the article contributed by called "controversies". The People of Praise, however, grew in size and influence. Praise of gods may form part of religious rites and practices (see for example prayer of praise and praise and worship). [17] For example, praising children for their personal attributes, rather than specifics about their performance, may teach them to make interferences about their global worth,[19] and may thus undermine their intrinsic motivation.
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