Vestine (24) was the eighth and final youth to be contacted on September 15, 1982. 2 . The messages were accompanied by extraordinary signs seen in the sky. She couldn’t look at the countless people there because of their misery and anguish. Kibeho is a small African village in the mountainous terrain of Rwanda. She was young and very beautiful, dressed in a white dress with a blue veil. The young professed was given the name of “Alphonsine of the Glorious Cross ". "Judgement on the Apparitions of Kibeho", 25th anniversary of apparitions to be celebrated, Witness to Genocide -- A Personal Account of the 1995 Kibeho Massacre,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 October 2020, at 18:26. Our Lady of Kibeho is the name given to reported Marian apparitions concerning several adolescents, in the 1980s in Kibeho, south-western Rwanda. Investigators, journalists, doctors, officials, and members of the Commission of Enquiry tensely awaited Easter weekend, wondering how she was going to die. Various reasons justify the choice by Our Lady of these three visionaries already recognized as visionaries. Kibeho College, founded in 1967 on the initiative of the parish priest of Kibeho, Father Grégoire Kamugisha, has often changed name in order to conform to the changing programs of the Ministry of National Education. And then Mary asked the amazed girl, “Of all the things in heaven, what makes you happy?” Alphonsine replied immediately, “I love God and his Mother who have given us their Son who has saved us.” Mary replied, smiling, “It is true. Others who claimed to have similar visions were Stephanie Mukamurenzi, Agnes Kamagaju, Vestine Salima, and Emmanuel Segastashya, the last of whom was previously a pagan and became a Christian evangelist. But she did not blink, flinch, or react. I am Mukangango. So she organized a group of tormenters to pull her hair, twist her fingers, pinch her very hard, scream in her ears, and shine a powerful flashlight into her eyes. On one occasion she was walking along with a group of girls when she suddenly dropped to her knees as though she had been shot. Her father, Thaddée Gakwaya was assassinated in September 1984. He became her spiritual director and took care of her during her stay at Ivory Coast. Congo, where she sought refuge at the house of befriended families, who knew her from Kibeho. It is my wish for you to cry as you do now. Her mother, Immaculate Mukarasana, died some a few years after the genocide of 1994. Now, hundreds of curious villagers wanted to visit the campus or hang out near the college dormitory. “I am the Mother of the Word,” replied Mary. They are the ones who made Kibeho known as a place of apparitions and pilgrimage causing crowds of people to flock there. Various reasons justify the choice by Our Lady of these three visionaries already approved as visionaries. One day Marie-Claire held a burning candle under her right arm, but still there was no reaction. Word spread within minutes across the campus that the sworn enemy of the visionaries had confessed to being visited by Mary as well. I am happy with the fruits that were born in Rwanda since I came here. I just don’t know how to explain the feeling of being there. Marie Claire Mukangango, who had initially bullied Mumureke at school because of the visions, herself experienced apparitions which lasted from March 2 to September 15, 1982. The visions may be regarded as an ominous foreshadowing of the Rwandan genocide, and particularly the second Kibeho Massacre in 1995. Mary called it ‘Isangano’ – a place of communion where angels praise God, watch over Earth, and aid humanity when they are needed or called upon. The messages stressed the need for prayer, deep reflection, humility, and self-sacrifice. In this context, Mons. As I said, I want to remind you that I am happy. More than 20,000 people turned out – some hoping for cures for their sick relatives. 341 Butare / RwandaCentral AfricaThis email address is being protected from spambots. But when Mary appeared, the visionaries’ efforts to sing to her were cut short unexpectedly by Mary’s tears of pain and grief. I begged Jesus from the bottom of my soul to let me stay there. The child of Mary sees the world as NOTHING. The visionaries said to have seen her sometimes with joined hands, sometimes with outstretched arms. On August 22nd, 1987, Marie Claire celebrated her church wedding to Elie Ntabadahiga, a member of Mushubi parish. As the beautiful figure drifted toward the girl, her feet never touched the ground. The situation became more and more confusing and it was therefore difficult for the church authorities to find the truth. She didn’t see the girls any longer – only the beautiful lady hovering above her again in the same soft, glorious light. [11], The feast day of Our Lady of Kibeho is November 28, the anniversary of the initial apparition to Alphonsine Mumureke in 1981. Yet, he was surprised by a man’s voice coming out of nowhere, and then the figure of a handsome, 30 year-old man was suddenly next to him. As more experiences continued, so did the harsh ridicule, teasing, and hurtful comments. Alphonsine echoes this lesson in her own learning and these words: “With all I had to suffer, I now understand that it was necessary for me to go through it to know the truth and learn more about life. On August 18, 1982, at a time when AIDS was becoming an epidemic in Africa, Jesus told her, “They should not use their bodies as an instrument of pleasure. All Rights Reserved. For reasons mentioned below, she was unable to complete her studies. 58, No. Alphonsine Mumureke (16) was away at a boarding school, helping out in the cafeteria, when she heard somebody in a strong but lovely voice — “soft as air and sweeter than music” — say, “My child …” Going out into a hallway, she immediately saw a brilliant, luminous, white cloud, materializing in mid-air a few feet in front of her. The two commissions completed their investigation twenty years after their creation. Our second visit was to the place of purification – for those who called on God only during times of trouble, turning away from Him when their troubles were over. Segastashya’s alleged visions included meeting Christ in a beanfield. At that time, Father Joseph Bezel, parish priest in France and a dear friend of Father Raymond Halter, helped Alphonsine to obtain a scholarship for the Business School of Castaing in Abidjan ,where she signed up for a three-year-programme of Business Secretary Education (from 1995/96 to 1997/98). I want people to trust and love me as a Mother, because I want to lead them to my son, Jesus. I have come to assure you of this. After her graduation from theology with a specialization in catechesis in June 2003, she entered the monastery Sainte Claire in Abidjan (Poor Clares). Nathalie Mukamazimpaka was born as the daughter of Laurent Ngango and Gaudence Mukabaziga in 1964 in Munini in the current district of Nyaruguru, in the parish of Muganza, Diocese of Gikongoro. The girl said that her skin and complexion was of incomparable beauty. addy9bd8f0d2ccda7d2cb2f1f047c0c10db8 = addy9bd8f0d2ccda7d2cb2f1f047c0c10db8 + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com'; Lying on her bed in her room, she began feeling an intense happiness that caused her to start giggling and laughing so loudly that it woke her parents. At 3:00 p.m. on Friday, Vestine was seized with a sudden pain and fell back on her bed, closed her eyes and “died.” Doctors were dumbfounded – her blood pressure had dropped to zero; no heartbeat or pulse could be detected. The visionaries said to have seen her sometimes with joined hands, sometimes with outstretched arms. She describes her miraculous survival and escape in her book, “Left to Tell.” Today, Immaculee Ilibagiza … Sanctuary Our Lady of KibehoB.P. The Virgin told Mukangango that people should pray the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows to obtain the favor of repentance. As daylight returned, she found that two classmates were actually holding her up and her clothes were drenched. … There is no need to be afraid of them. She refused to sing, so an amused Mary brought Anathalie into the scene to hold her hand and help her sing. Your tears are punishment – not because you have sinned against me, but to serve as a reminder that I can punish those who choose to ignore my messages. The exact date and circumstances of their death are not (yet) elicited. And there was music I’d never heard before that sounded like color. They are the ones who made Kibeho known as a place of apparitions and pilgrimage causing crowds of people to flock there. I’m here, and “I’m ready to fight!”. Alphonsine Mumureke was born on March 21st, 1965 in Cyizihira, in the parish of Zaza, Diocese of Kibungo as the daughter of Thaddée Gakwaya and Mary Immaculate Mukarasana. Sing a song for me using these words: Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Anathalie also had a mystical journey which began on the podium in front of the crowds after a five-hour apparition. Everything said or done after that date at Kibeho did not bring anything new with respect to what was already known, from the point of view of the messages and of the signs of credibility. The light surrounding her glowed like a crown about her head. They are the ones who made Kibeho known as a place of apparitions and pilgrimage causing crowds of people to flock there. In the evaluation of the facts and the messages, only the public apparitions are taken into consideration. If you will work with me, I shall give you a mission to lead those lost souls back from the darkness.”. She collapsed into the same “frozen-limbs” state of near-death with the same officials and doctors vigilant and testing her. She wore a flowing, seamless white dress with a white veil that covered her hair. That night, the priest decided to play it safe – just in case the visions were authentic – and locked himself in his room, drawing the curtains, and knelt on the floor. She completed her secondary school studies at the Humanistic School of Kibeho in July 1989 with a secretary degree (level A2).
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