Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! about-face. 1; idioms second thought on second thought, after reconsideration: On second thought, I don't think I'll go. A pretty common term.
(US, idiomatic) After reconsidering; on further consideration.
You can get a certain insight into human nature from analysing the words that people look up in dictionaries. Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android. Second Thoughts synonyms, Second Thoughts pronunciation, Second Thoughts translation, English dictionary definition of Second Thoughts. Martin did not require a second thought to discover the author. On second thought definition is - after thinking about something again. Or something like that. On Second Thought stands for (US, idiomatic) After reconsidering; on further consideration.. And best of all it's ad free, so sign up now and start using at home or in the classroom. Definition of have second thoughts in the Idioms Dictionary. a revised opinion or idea on a matter already considered. Meaning of on second thought. What does have second thoughts expression mean?
On second thought, maybe you should sell your house and move into an apartment. have second thoughts 再考する,考え直す on second thought [((英)) second thoughts] 考え直して(みると) Second thoughts are best. This is a rare but used term. Kathryn rose. About 31% of English native speakers know the meaning and use word. Second thought definition: If you do something without a second thought , you do it without thinking about it... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples You can say on second thoughts or on second thought when you suddenly change your mind about something that you are saying or something … How to use on second thought in a sentence. : But Dede was out, the landlady's daughter told him, and added, on second thought, that she was out walking in the hills.
on second thoughts/on second thought definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, on second thoughts/on second thought meaning explained, see also 'second',second',second best',second chamber', English vocabulary All Rights Reserved. See also: on, second, thought n. A reconsideration of a decision or opinion previously made. On Second Thought stands for (US, idiomatic) After reconsidering; on further consideration..
have second thoughts phrase. Full grammatical hierarchy of Second thought. “On second thought.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,
on short notice at a moment's notice at minutes, hours, days notice. AudioEnglish Definitions... Just One Click Away! second thought definition: 1. Sign in to Wordpanda and find the words to chew on. Reproduction without proper consent is not allowed.
(Martin Eden, by Jack London) There was a line that a week before he would not have favored with a second thought —"God's own mad lover dying on a kiss"; but now it was ever insistent in his mind. Explore Urdupoint to find out more popular Idioms and Idiom Meanings, to amplify your writings, UrduPoint Network is the largest independent digital media house from Pakistan, catering the needs of its users since year 1997. Find useful information for every word or common phrase. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content, 'Wait there!'
has voted almost unanimously in favour of the proposal. But on second thought she gave up this intermediation, for reasons which it would have been impossible for her to define. Definition of second thought : reconsideration or a revised opinion of a previous often hurried decision began to have second thoughts Examples of second thought in a Sentence After she agreed to lend him the money, she had second thoughts. Explore more Idiom Meanings. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words?
', The crowd cheered as they caught sight of their. On second thought he concluded that he had been wrong about the speed with which things found their way into newspaper columns. On Second Thought is an idiom.
On second thought, maybe we do. The noun SECOND THOUGHT has 1 sense: 1. thinking again about a choice previously made. Get unrestricted access to all the English-Learning Units! On second thought, let's not go to a movie.
Amaze your friends with your new-found knowledge! Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. [Mid-1600s] This idiom alludes to ideas that come later. It occurs in the pages of specialized literature and in the speech of educated people. (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). And then, as a second thought, why should she come at all? Usually people know it’s meaning, but prefer to use a more spread out synonym. There was a line that a week before he would not have favored with a second thought—"God's own mad lover dying on a kiss"; but now it was ever insistent in his mind. Resulting from a revised opinion or change of mind, as in I thought I'd go to the movies, but on second thought I'd rather stay home.
On Second Thought is an idiom. Here you’ll get most accurate definitions, close synonyms and antonyms, related words, phrases and questions, rhymes, usage index and more. reappraisal. On second thought he concluded that he had been wrong about the speed with which things found their way into newspaper columns. Dictionary entry overview: What does second thought mean? Today, 9 October, is the penultimate day of this year’s World Space Week, a UN event launched in 1999.
Meaning of On Second Thought. Double-click any word on the page to look it up in the dictionary. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Fig. Click here to add the dictionary. a large grey Eurasian goose , Anser anser : the ancestor of many domestic breeds of goose, 'Hepatomegaly' and 'hydronephrosis' are among the most frequently looked-up words in September. Compound Forms: Inglés: Español: give a second thought to [sth/sb], give [sth/sb] a second thought v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end. Hypernyms ("second thought" is a kind of...): change of mind; flip-flop; reversal; turnabout; turnaround (a decision to reverse an earlier decision). Learn a new word every day.
There are some words that seem to be of perennial interest, so if you compare the list of words that were looked up most often in March with the words that were looked up most often in September, you will find a lot of words appearing on both lists. reservation about a previous action, position, decision, judgment, or the like: He had second thoughts about his decision. All rights of the publication are reserved by Familiarity information: SECOND THOUGHT used as a noun is very rare. According to our data about 73% of words is more used. Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. on second thought の意味と使い方 on second thought とすると、「よく考えなおしてみると」とか「考え直した結果」といった意味になります。 「よく考えなおしたんだけど、やっぱり…」みたいな感じです。 How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Name that government! 「第2の」とか「2番目」といった意味の second を使った表現は結構多いですが、今回は second thought についてご紹介します。, second thought もしくは second thoughts は、「再考」といった意味になります。, second thought を文字通り解釈すれば「2番目の考え」ということになりますので、「再考」という意味に近いのではないでしょうか。, この表現は、second thought と単数形で使うこともありますし、second thoughts と複数形にすることも多いです。, 以下に説明するように、have などの動詞と一緒に使う場合は、second thoughts と複数形にすることが多いです。また、否定形や without などの語と一緒に使う場合は、a second thought と不定冠詞 a がついた単数形が多いです。, have などと一緒に用いて have second thoughts のように使うと、「考え直す」、「再考する」、「気が変わる」といった意味になります。, have の代わりに give を使って、give second thoughts の形で使うこともあります。, have を使うと、自発的に「考え直す」といったニュアンスですが、give を使うと「…がきっかけで(…のせいで)考え直す」といったニュアンスになります。, without a second thought とすると、「よく考えずに」とか「深く考えずに」、「気に留めず」、「考え直すことなく」、「ためらうことなく」といった意味になります。, on second thought とすると、「よく考えなおしてみると」とか「考え直した結果」といった意味になります。, なお、on second thought の形で使う場合は、不定冠詞をつけず、単数形で使うことが多いです。ただ、イギリス英語では、on second thoughts と複数形にすることもあるようです。, Filed Under: 熟語・慣用句・イディオム 関連タグ:give second thoughts, have second thoughts, on second thought, second thought, without a second thought, ためらうことなく, よく考えずに, よく考えなおしてみると, 再考する, 気が変わる, 気に留めず, 深く考えずに, 考え直した結果, 考え直す, 考え直すことなく, ・サイトやブログ、SNSなどで当ブログの記事をご紹介していただける場合は、当該記事へのリンクを貼るとともに、当ブログへのリンクである旨を明記していただきますよう、お願いいたします。, ・転載、その他著作権に抵触する形での引用などはお断りしております。当ブログの内容やアイデア等を参考にして記事などを掲載する際は、必ずリンクを貼るなど出所を明確にしていただければ、問題は生じません。, ・長々と注意書きを書きましたが、一般常識で普通にリンクを貼るなどで私の記事をご紹介していただけるのは私としても光栄ですので、大歓迎です。, ・当ブログの利用について、詳しくは当ブログの利用について(利用規約)をお読みください。, 英語の表現や言い回しなどを集めました。 使用例と共に詳しく説明します。 A about ・about to の意味と使い方 about to d…. It is one of the most commonly used expressions in English writings. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month.
(C) 2020 Word Panda. No, I'll retract that, and on second thought reverse that judgment.
On Second Thought is an idiom. Accessed 14 Oct. 2020. noun second thought Often, second thoughts. Please enter your email to receive the reset link. Space Week falls at this calendar juncture because this first October week is bookended by two key dates. ((諺))考え直せばいい知恵が浮かぶ;ものには熟慮が肝心 We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! The online version of the Collins Dictionary has just been updated again, with another batch of new words and meanings inspired by the events of the summer. thinking again about a choice previously made. having given something more thought; having reconsidered something. If you have second thoughts about a decision that you have made, you begin to doubt whether it was the best thing to do. Thinking again about a choice previously made, Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents, afterthought; reconsideration; rethink; second thought, he had second thoughts about his purchase. The meaning of "on second thought" is: a change of opinion after thinking about something again The meaning of this idiom is (US, idiomatic) After reconsidering; on further consideration.. Learn more. What made you want to look up on second thought? Improve your lexicon with Word Panda. Word Panda provides you with a huge database of English words. 'No, on second thought, follow me. • SECOND THOUGHT (noun) Synonyms and related words +-A change of opinion. Post the Definition of on second thought to Facebook, Share the Definition of on second thought on Twitter. From moonshoot to balconing: discover the latest words added to the Collins Dictionary. Similarly, have second thoughts means “change one's mind,” as in I've had second thoughts about moving to Florida. We provide breaking news, Pakistani news, International news, Business news, Sports news, Urdu news and Live Urdu News. If you do something without a second thought, you do it without first considering if you should…. But now it was not provocative of a second thought. It is one of the most commonly used expressions in English writings. Delivered to your inbox!
If you do something without a second thought, you do it without thinking about it carefully, usually because you do not have enough time or you do not care very much.
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