By signing this Rider, you acknowledge and agree that the Licensee will comply with all terms and conditions of this Rider. Sam takes Sophie aside and declares that he will give her away, clearly convinced he's her father. /F11 11 0 R Craymer then recruited playwright, Catherine Johnson, to write the book and took on Phyllida Lloyd as the director of the original London production. Mamma Mia! Booster Sheet.pdf (11k) Doug Panetta, Jan 10, 2018, 11:56 AM. !�� �m�Ы�� �WGH�n��^-�� �Z A� g�!a� ~�!a� z�@�t$�*C�t$�*CBt#$9�O�� �Z !� |u���6H�� �m�Ы��:���g6ZV;���㠂�a�5������,^�#���>�:Ĥ�qj��B�!-�����L�C�1�p��5D�Z��fG�X5��y���2n��u�*C��+�s�x>�!�3����Ӕ��2�����]��:h!��%��E���t�p�I#7��D�=����E���D��~��jsU���J�_��:�J��!U|Ng�{lt�1�C}Ə�3C�iKx�Ul��l�~�o�jS)X�&�*���k����*��mΧb���ڤ?T�=��=��%�!��h�`���3������"���`�C�v����Ňh a�����|�rC:Wj�9C��yC��NO �d��WO�����L���$]p�{C$�.D}�ۈ0D�ϯ�]�M��J��oĘ1��&9��_�)[VF�F�l�6���m�->1¯�&V���'/� Z�G����0V��9{��l6K[�~�ϛ�|9�Eq ���Ĕ��^�Ii��~�r��^/ ��$���m���؝]�?T!�!%P�P�}�gV"����8@���x��|� Bill agrees. Inspiration strikes without warning. //