Publishing open access provides free and immediate online access to the results of publicly funded scholarly research, and the right to use and reuse research results. The database is web-based and platform independent, and access is free of charge to scholars affiliated with academic institutions, galleries, museums, etc., as well as independent researchers. A fully searchable Library of literary works of English and American poetry, drama and prose, plus biographies, bibliographies, key criticism and reference resources. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. A range of study zones are on offer, so you can work with colleagues, with a coffee, with a view, or focus alone and in silence. Also included: prominent journals and conference proceedings, Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1985-present); Science Citation Index (1955-present); and Social Sciences Citation Index (1900-present). More information is available from the EThOS FAQs page.
RIPM : retrospective index to music periodicals 1800-1950 (EBSCO), RISM Series A/II: Music Manuscripts after 1600 (1600-1800), RIdIM (Répertoire International d‘Iconographie Musicale), RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (EBSCO), MSA Australia and New Zealand Postgraduate Music Research Thesis Register, Doctoral dissertations in musicology-online, Archive of dissertation abstracts in music, DMS: Dissertationsmeldgestelle der Gesellschaft fur Musikforschung. Also found here are the Dental Statistics & Research Unit and National Injury Surveillance Unit, a collaboration with Flinders University. This guide contains tips to finding music scores and sound recordings. In addition, this database offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters, as well as Evidence-Based Care Sheet. The For Consumers, For Professionals and Resources links. Go to the Find databases page to browse through the full list of subject-specific databases. See our self-guided program Polish Your Profile to enhance and update your UWA Profile.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the leading authority on health information/matters and health research within the United Nations system. The Library provides access to high-quality collections (books, journals and other materials) in support of research. Improve your scholarly research skills by learning the key information literacy principles of finding, evaluating, and using information.
Postgraduate study spaces are available to students enrolled in approved postgraduate courses for individual silent study. Also included are the UPCC collections in Asian and Pacific Studies, and Poetry, Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction. Why search in a database as well as OneSearch? Display. However, the content in many of our Music-specific subscription databases are not indexed by OneSearch, so any unique content in these databases (articles, book chapters, theses, etc.) This includes theses written for the Doctor of Philosophy and some Master’s by Research programs. Music theses databases on the web (not listed in OneSearch). The UWA Code of Conduct for the Responsible Practice of Research requires that all staff and students employed by, or enrolled at, the University (including Honorary and Adjunct staff) are to include the 'University of Western Australia' in their publication byline. Using OneSearch will search across a number of databases at one time. Contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, and technical reports in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law. Many databases have more nuanced search options. Theses completed prior to 2003 are in print form; various access options are available through OneSearch.
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare collects data for government and community use.
Information source for scientific, medical, and technical research, and also includes social science and humanities topics. We have also Aboriginal Health WA Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The best sources for business and economics data are databases listed on the Find Databases page, or the ABS. Subject-specific databases can give you more targeted results relevant to your search topic. OneSearch searches all of UWA Library’s online and physical collections and is the default search option. The UWA Profiles and Research Repository also contains staff profiles for current UWA professional and academic staff.
RIPM also provides access to the RIPM online archive of music periodicals (fulltext). The Library can assist you with research data management, including your data management plans, storage, sharing and publishing.
Includes stats on workplace injury etc. The RIdIM Database, developed by Association RIdIM, is designed to facilitate discovery of music, dance, theatre and opera iconography images by registered researchers, and the description of such images by registered cataloguers. Index to German, Austrian and Swiss music dissertations. IPA Source contains International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and literal translations of opera arias and art song texts. YOU MAY CALL US AT 205-652-3613 MONDAY - FRIDAY FOR ASSISTANCE. Includes statistics on Medicare, the PBS, organ donation and immunisation. These spaces contain a range of equipment including PCs, desks with desktop power for laptops, lockers, and powered laptop lockers.
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