Good managers lead by example. The company that plays together, stays together, and hits payday together. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Best of all, you can easily switch between gantt, calendar, and list views in a single click. Not only does it make us happy but we often end up chatting about projects over the pool table, giving us a fresh new perspective to take back to our desks. Traditional wisdom states the following: “Work is not supposed to be fun. When faced with a more mundane assignment, always try to ask yourself, “How can I make this fun?” For example, if you have a long list of people to call on the phone, and you don't need your computer in front of you, do it from a relaxing hot tub. Once organizations understand that work and play can, and should, co-exist, they can discover one of the best-kept secrets that can make them the most sought-after company among potential employees. While we all start out this way, somehow along the journey, we let life make us more serious. Laughter is learning's gateway, as it puts you in the best frame of mind to absorb new ideas. Recent research has shown that having a canine companion in the office can actually increase productivity, reduce stress and spark communication between employees. Although we all have different ways of being productive, sometimes the simplest things can make us more productive than ever. Make your downtime at work productive… Happy to hear you liked our list. “What we found was that, of all the events that occur on best days, one stood out well above the rest – simply making progress on meaningful work. In fact, meaningful work can be as ordinary as providing customers with a useful service or a quality product. I’m using time tracking software (called TimeCamp – and it’s a really good solution for people who are overwhelmed and want to delegate time management to the others. Teams can go out to escape rooms together. Zappo's core values are to “create fun and a little weirdness.” Southwest Airlines was always on board since the beginning with the company's playful poster-child influence of Herb Kelleher. At Contactzilla, our team is mostly made up of web developers and each of them has different skills and experience. It’s fun and a great way to get everyone working together. Anyone is welcome to a game of pool, or to take their laptop over to the beanbags, any time they need a break or change of scenery. If that wasn’t enough, studies also show that looking at cute animal pictures at work can actually make you more productive! When people have fun and collaborate together, they feel like they are on the same team. Google doesn't even require people to come in to the office... people just want to spend time there. Deep down, no one really ever wants to grow up! Here are 10 of our favourite ways to make work fun so your employees stay happy and motivated…. If I may add something here, it would be “Use right tools to manage your time more effectively”. Technology Is Changing Human Resource Management – But Where Will It Go? They make us happier! Rethink Social Responsibility You spend a huge proportion of your time at work so its important not to hate your office. To make sure your team is getting the feedback they deserve, why not try peer to peer feedback…. For your employees to give better outputs and you business to thrive, you must identify issues such as sedentary and inactive workstations, layout flaws that curb interaction and correct them with professional designing services. Socializing and getting to know them as people will help you to communicate better, trust each other more and work better together.”. And, among all of this play, creative innovation happens daily through social interaction and collaboration. Successful people will find ways to improve collaboration, teamwork, and relationships while also improving your own abilities. Required fields are marked *, How We Work Learn how to balance the relationship between manager and employee, without compromising your authority with these tips. In other words, having a dog in the office can also help your team become better collaborators. Why not get everyone involved and decorate your office as a team? You want to find creative people that enjoy laughter and life, with the ability to think outside the box and play well with others. I will definitely implement these unique ways to work smarter and remain more organized and productive at work. I am sure that every entrepreneur knows how hard it can be without timetracker especially when his team is rather big, I have been using tracker for my team and strongly believe it is the best variant for it. They design their own workspace with treadmills and tinker toys while writing on walls. According to Tom Rath, author of Vital Friends, people with a ‘best friend’ at work are up to 7 times more engaged than those who aren’t. If you're interested in also becoming a guest writer for Hppy, read our contributor guidelines, Copyright 2018 Hppy | All Rights Reserved |. A dinosaur and unicorn walk over to the marshmallow alien's burrow for a tea party before taking an afternoon ride on their flying pirate ship. Eventually, application of learned techniques will help increase overall productivity and efficiency. Guardian programmer Simon Willison put together an app that would give the player a randomly-chosen receipt to research.

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