You must complete your course within one year of registration. Diane is one of the career coaching & training industry’s leading speakers, writers, and trainers. You, as the career coach, will provide the job search and career management tools to meet your clients' needs in today's tough job market.
6 months | virtual/online program Master your coaching craft by becoming a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), recognized as the most rigorous and respected coach training and certification in the industry. Alina Campos, CPCC. 10/20/2020Fundamentals Of Resume Writing - Office Hours, Membership Management Software Powered by, Fundamentals Of Resume Writing - Office Hours, Minnesota Dept of Employment & Economic Development, Develop New Perspectives to Set & Get Goals, Sharpen Career Management Skills & Tools (Social Media, Résumés, Interviewing, LinkedIn Profiles, Succession Planning, *Assessments), Pinpoint Direction & Create Career Management Solutions, Gain a Competitive Advantage (Over Hundreds of Other Applicants), Integrate New Career Coaching Products/Services, Craft Workforce Development Plans for Employers, Design a Coaching Schedule & Manage Difficult Populations, Build A Career Coaching Practice & Mini-Business Plan, Integrate Diane's Whole-Person Theory Into Coaching Action, Leverage Communications In Career Coaching, The Foundation of Career Coaching (Understanding Career Seekers and Diane’s Whole-Person Theory), The Industry of Career Coaching – A Positive Profession, Stretching the Comfort Zone & Reaching for New Horizons, Circle of Influence: The Effective Network, Powerful Value-based Résumés & Written Career / Job Search Management Documents, Digital Dirt and Online Reputation Management, Put it All Together (The 5 P's of Career Search), Blue Print for Success: The Business Plan, Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Employment Readiness Specialists, Camp Pendleton Marine & Family Services (MCCS) (RCS), US Air Force – Airmen & Family Readiness Center, CA, Business Partner of Profiles International, Inc. / Cleckley Assessments, LLC, Salvation Army Community Education Center, Stony Brook University (Alumni Career Center), Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, AF Europe – Employment Readiness Specialists & TAP counselors, Center for Career Education, Development & Research, Washington, DC, Kenya (independent consultants and HR professionals from major corporations including International NGOs, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Sanergy Ltd., Total Kenya Ltd., World Vision, Kenya Institute of Education, Because, even though this program has a crazy amount of materials, all of the materials are useful. Diane is one of the career coaching & training industry’s leading speakers, writers, and trainers. Your clients deserve the best - the tools, coaching, strategies, inspiration, and motivation to develop their career paths, seek satisfying employment, determine career focus, target companies and positions, and move forward in their careers.
Build a Career, Develop your Skills, Grow your Opportunities. As career seekers learn to take charge of their career destinies, find purpose, and create direction, they maximize their ability to control life/work balance. Obtain a North Carolina Class A learner’s permit with no limiting restrictions. At Central Piedmont, your education goes beyond what you learn in class. The leading Career Coach Certification (Certified Professional Career Coach) now has about 1,000 participants from across the globe and in a wide range of industries from PhDs, university counselors, business professionals, federal, military Toggle Search.
coaching program. The exercises opened my eyes and allowed me to see my true worth and value. The Accelerated Career Training candidate lives in the Charlotte area and is: By participating in an Accelerated Career Training program you are also required to attend Working Smart: Soft Skills for Workplace Success classes. The drug screen cannot be dated more than seven days out from the date of registration (or in this case, the first day of class). Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC), Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW), Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP), Certified Leadership and Talent Management Coach (CLTMC), Federal Job Search Trainer & Counselor (FJST), Board Member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARW/CC), Former member of the CPRW International Certification Board, Presenter at the National Association of Resume Writers conference (Annapolis, 2016); Career Thought Leader’s Consortium / Career Management Alliance conferences (Denver, 2016), (Baltimore, 2014), (Virtual, 2013), (Las Vegas, 2012), (San Antonio, 2011), (New Orleans 2010); (Toronto 2000), PARW/CC Conference, (Florida, 2004), (Las Vegas, 2003) – and others, Monthly Career Coach Columnist, The Spotlight, Career Journal, 2002 to present, First to Obtain the Distinguished Credentialed Career Master Designation, Career Coach for the CareerBuilder Transitions program, 2008-2012, Developed and led 2-years of webinars for Air Force Europe – training 60 transition readiness professionals from England to Turkey, Trained on site in Germany, Korea, Japan, and across the USA (military, ACAP/TAP trainers, employment readiness assistance counselors, and military spouses), universities, and more, Led 33 classes and presented at 3 conferences in resume writing 2015/16 for the USDA/FSIS, Lead Senior Executive Service resume and ECQ writing at military bases and government agencies across the USA, Trained Wounded Warrior Marines at Camp Pendleton and the San Diego Naval Hospital. new opportunities. The curriculum for becoming a CPCC is one of the first in the… The Working Smart course supports the Accelerated Career Training program course by going beyond technical skills, helping you master the soft skills that employers believe are critical to increasing your chances for employment, job success, and promotion.
Her work is published in over 60 books and periodicals. Many programs are free or at a very low cost for qualified participants. I learned so much when I worked through the materials the first time. It is packed with well-organized information and full of tools that I now use regularly in my practice…my learning style is seeing, hearing, and doing…this course meets all three of my needs. Learn More.
We offer options that will give you the skills you need for a specific job.
Alina is a certified career coach and seasoned HR and marketing leader. And, this whole program has helped me organize my thoughts and become more disciplined. I have never seen a training/certification program that is this thorough.
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