The Library currently has three full-time staff:
Fortunately, space had just become available on the fourth floor in the adjacent building. You may have ended up here by one of the following reasons: Use the search tool (the magnifying glass icon) to locate the page you are trying to access. Scholarly journals are more credible than general periodicals. CCM identification badges can be obtained from the Office of Campus Life, either at the Information Window or virtually following the instructions at this link /. In accordance with CDC recommendations, hand washing is the preferred method of hand cleaning. The Academic Success Center (TASC) supports students in their quest for academic achievement by providing thoughtful interventions, individualized services and connections to counseling and other support services. Common use areas, such as computer carrels and open table seating, will be limited to approximately 50 percent of normal capacity. Employees who must schedule an on-campus meeting must gain approval from their supervisor/dean. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that gloves outside of caring for a sick individual, when disinfecting or in certain laboratory settings do not protect you from getting COVID-19. All other areas of an office will be the responsibility of the office occupant. Students should contact these departments by telephone or email first before coming to campus for assistance. CCM Staff Directory Re-Opening FAQs CCM Services CCM Special-Collections ... Head, CCM Library. Cincinnati, Ohio Serious collection development in the Library began in the late 1960s, after a permanent building for the College-Conservatory had been constructed on the University campus. News and Events. A small library facility was provided on two floors in the former Mary Emery Hall. Tabletop dispensers have been added to supplement the wall-mounted units. Students should avoid delays in purchasing textbooks and other learning materials by ordering them online at How can I get an ID or an updated one if I need one? CCM Library Information ... Staff Directory. After the 1955 merger of the College and the Conservatory, contemporary photos show a library along with modest record-listening facilities. Faculty members decide the format of the classes they teach and decide whether they wish to return to campus. Students can apply for an ID card online by clicking here.
Suzanne Wright, Executive Staff Assistant: 513-556-6017: MEH 5243: Michael Chertock, Piano Department Chair 513-556-9531: MEM 446: Michelle Conda, Secondary Piano and Piano Pedagogy 513-556-9525: MEH 5221: Kenneth Griffiths, Director of Accompanying Activities: 513-556-9514: DVAC 211: Music Education. If you are working alone in your office, you do not need to wear a face covering.
It also is administering the federal CARES program that provides emergency financial aid grants to eligible students from the spring 2020 semester who have enrolled for the fall and whose lives have been disrupted by COVID-19 to cover expenses such as food, housing, class materials, health care, childcare and technology. Other important recommendations incorporated into the plan came from members of CCM’s College Council, which includes employees and students, who served on the three ad-hoc task forces for reopening. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. A directory of departmental emails and phone numbers can be found on the CCM COVID-19 Information and Resource Center. Most student services at CCM, will continue to operate remotely. How can I obtain my textbooks from the Campus Store or any other items from the store? CCM Library 600 Blegen Library PO Box 210152 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 45221-0152 email: 513-556-1970 The library will provide full digital/remote services for the CCM community to include digital texts, research assistance and bibliographic instruction, and the following in-person services to students, staff and faculty in accordance with the state’s multi-stage approach: The college, along with the county, state and federal governments, offers a number of resources to assist people during this difficult time. Plant and Maintenance also will disinfect the area regularly. card? Ask a Librarian chat. What should I do if I am not feeling well? The Campus Store will be open on a limited basis.
45221-0033 Paul Cauthen Assistant Music Librarian. Home CCM services provided by clinical staff under general supervision Under Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code 99490, at least 20 minutes of CCM ser-vices per month must be provided by the physi - cian, NPP, or clinical staff who are functioning under … What resources are available to assist those dealing with mental health, food insecurities, housing or other issues? Will I be required to obtain a CCM student I.D. There will be hand sanitizer stations located throughout the campus. Can I come to the CCM campus if I am not a student, employee or faculty member?
The spacious entrance atrium presents a convenient single-service point circulation desk and houses display cases featuring special collections items. Remember to update your bookmarks. Those who cannot work remotely, such as those in Plant and Maintenance and Public Safety, may use accrued time off to be paid. The Albino Gorno Memorial Library of the College of Music was dedicated on May 31, 1949.
County College of Morris is an equal opportunity and affirmative action institution and complies with Title IX, ADA and Civil Rights obligations. The distribution of hand sanitizers through campus buildings will be periodically reviewed. Soon playback equipment for compact discs was added. A HISTORY OF THE ALBINO GORNO MEMORIAL LIBRARY / CCM LIBRARY. Call 973-328-5300 ... CCM Library Use Expectations We ask that users follow these behavior expectations. Do I need to wear a face covering when working alone in my office? In particular, make sure you have access to a desktop, laptop or tablet that has audio and video capabilities, such as a webcam and microphone. How can I get access to any of the CCM student services on campus? Additional meetings were held with CCM’s bargaining unit presidents, and department chairpersons and assistant chairpersons. Robert O. Johnson (1968–2000) The campus community will be provided with updates and any changes through campus emails, notices in the CCMemo and posts on the college’s COVID-19 Information and Resource Center. Theresa Noak (1949–66)
RESERVE NOW. Facilities Maintenance IT / HR Tickets M&C Request Form M&C Resources Cervis Property Tax Lookup. Upon arrival at the college, all visitors will be required to go to the Office of Public Safety, 675 Route 10 East, near Parking Lot 10, sign in and obtain a visitor identification badge, and, if necessary, obtain a disposable face mask. Staff Directory. Our Mission CCM LRC Mission. Grants and Foundation Center.
Can I travel to take part in professional development events? They will operate 24 hours a day seven days a week. Student-athletes should contact the Office of Athletics at for more information regarding individual sports schedules including workout, strengthening, practice, and competition schedules. Hand sanitizers are installed in all public restrooms if an individual is uncomfortable with using the air dryer. The statues on high pedestals are from the Shillito Mansion (no longer extant), former home of the Conservatory of Music. Working together, however, CCM will get through these changes and continue to offer a high-quality teaching and learning environment, while helping to protect the campus community. Faculty and staff also can contact the Vice President of Human Resources and Labor Relations at with any questions or situations they may encounter or speak with their vice president. Disposable masks and gloves should be discarded properly in a trash receptacle or taken home for discarding. Jenny Doctor is Head of the Albino Gorno Memorial (CCM) Library and Professor of Musicology in CCM. If their job allows, the employee can work remotely. Disinfecting cleaning materials will be made available to staff and faculty so they may clean their own areas. Born near Cremona, Italy, he was selected in 1881 by the renowned opera singer Adelina Patti to serve as her accompanist on a five-month tour of the United States.
x.src = (document.location.protocol === "https:" ? During the evening, masks will be available at the Public Safety office.
Samuel Douglas (1967–68)
})(); Request Articles and Book Chapters from Other Libraries (Interlibrary Loan). A listing of resources can be found on the CCM COVID-19 Information and Resource Center.
Included on that site are: Those who want to visit the campus are asked to first make an appointment with the office or department where they wish to speak with staff.
PO Box 210033
A a wealth of resource information and campus updates also can be found on CCM COVID-19 Information Resource Center. Faculty/Staff : Username = same as CCM mail : Password = same as CCM mail. Schools and Departments. Email. Will professors be holding online office hours? Library CCMLibGuides Articles & Databases Articles & Databases.
Disposable masks will be provided should an individual forget to bring one to campus or should their face covering break while on campus.
Password * Enter the password that accompanies your username.
The campus additionally will maintain a schedule for diffuser and return grille cleaning and for changing filters. IN-PERSON VISITS BY APPOINTMENT: 90-minute appointments available for CCM students, staff, and faculty, once per day. » Individual and shared offices will be disinfected daily including such items as doors and handles, ledges, windowsills, and trash and recycle cans will be emptied. In parallel with the UC Libraries’ mission, the CCM Library aspires to empower discovery, stimulate learning, and inspire the creation of knowledge as the hub of collaboration, digital innovation, and scholarly endeavor for the CCM community. Participate in the college virtual orientation, Wear a face covering that covers your mouth and nose when around others, Wear a college-issued identification badge, Be screened upon entry to any building, including having their temperature checked, Follow social distancing measures while on campus, Employees should notify their supervisor and Human Resources if they exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, Students should notify the Office of Student Development and Enrollment Management if they exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, Replace handshakes with head nods and waves, Avoid using other people’s phones, desks, offices or other work tools and equipment, Hybrid with a portion of instruction taking place on campus and the remainder online, Online classes that do not require participation on specific days and times, Remote classes that are held virtually and consist of scheduled, required attendance on a web conferencing platform, Curbside pickup and delivery for book checkout (Stage 2), By appointment, socially distanced places to study or use computers (Stage 3), Subject to available space, a waiting area for students before and after taking part in on-campus learning experiences (Stage 3), Mental health resources for employees and students, Food pantries and other related services for Morris County residents, Wear an appropriate face covering during their time on campus; one that covers both the mouth and nose, Wear the ID badge provided by Public Safety, Consent to being screened and having their temperature checked before gaining entry into a building, Follow social distancing measures while on campus, keeping a minimum of six feet apart from other individuals. David Sandor Circulation Supervisor. Visitors who need a face covering will be able to obtain a mask when they check in with Public Safety.
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