If you are registering for more than one candidate, click “Add another attendee” and repeat all the process mentioned above. “Click Proceed”, Tick the box to confirm you have read and understood the Privacy Terms and Conditions. If you have any problems, or you have questions, please contact us so we can support you. Carefully read through the guidance notes before you register. If you decide to hold exams, you must comply with any guidance or instructions from national and local governments, and healthcare authorities. Please refer to the relevant fees list, which can be found in the My Messages section of Direct, for more information. You have successfully registered for school exams with the British Council. Ensure that all required documents as outlined in the REQUIREMENTS section above are emailed to our Customer Services Team: Please check that all details entered are correct and click submit. National and local regulations and guidance
Due to Covid-19, we have also faced our own restrictions and limitations in the production of some of our modified papers. After the deadline, any amendments will incur a late fee. The final step is to submit your application online to the British Council. Coursework, speaking and practical components, Special consideration for coursework, speaking and practical components, Additional syllabuses offered for November 2020 series, Guidance on running exams in the November 2020 series (PDF, 198KB), Additional syllabuses available in November 2020, Running exams in the November 2020 series (PDF, 198KB). You will receive a confirmation email with your selected options and payment instruction. November results release dates
Send any correspondence about submitting entries to: Address: Cambridge International Examinations, 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB1 2EU, United Kingdom Email: info@cie.org.uk Fax: +44 1223 553558 Please quote your Centre number in all communications. We may be able to work with you to find an alternative. http://www.cambridgeinternational.org/i-want-to/find-a-cambridge-school/, Cambridge Private Candidates Price List November 2020, 03;Name and Surname. Example: 03-PeterSmit. If the June 2020 exam series would have been the last series for a student to sit exams and gain their AICE Diploma, we have allowed an exceptional exemption to our usual 25-month time limit rule. The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. If you are allowed to meet in groups, it may be possible to hold exams. Developed over 25 years […] In all cases, you must make sure you follow your national or local government advice. You must always submit previous candidate and centre details when you submit a retake entry. It is recognised by leading universities and employers worldwide, and is an international passport to progression and success. We regularly review and update our qualifications to make sure they continue to meet the needs of students and schools. If you defer your entries to a series in 2021 does the syllabus being examined have different set works? If candidates meet this criterion they can count grades awarded from the November 2021 series instead of the November 2020 series. You must give students, including private candidates, the opportunity to check all details recorded on their Statement of Entry. Subject fee is shown next to the subject. They allow us to personalise key documents with candidates’ details, allocate moderators to centres and exam scripts to examiners, send you question papers, and supply candidates with results. We hope this gives you further reassurance at this time. Parents and learners should contact the exams officer at their school or centre for more information on fees. We structure information about these activities around the Cambridge Exams Cycle (pictured below). If you defer your entries to a series in 2021 the syllabus being examined may have different set works (for example set texts in an English literature syllabus or set works in a music syllabus). All the dates and deadlines are in the Key dates section. Given the challenges of sending question papers to you during this changing situation, it is particularly important that you submit your entries to us by the deadlines below, or earlier wherever possible. If you defer your entries to a series in 2021, the syllabus being examined may be different from that in the November 2020 series. All latest Cambridge O/AS/A/IGCSE Past Papers are available on our websiteSelect a qualification from the following available qualifications Cambridge IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds. For more information on these fees, please refer to the relevant fees list. If you are using an alternative venue to help with social distancing during exams, you must make sure you transport any modified papers to your alternative venue. Withdrawing November entries due to national or local restrictions that relate to Covid-19
• 21 September (UK centres), Retake entries:
To decide if it is safe to hold exams, you should first assess your national and local government regulations and advice. Guide to Making Entries booklets for the June series are despatched in October of the previous year. We use cookies. Keep up to date with news from Cambridge and its schools around the world. Amendments to syllabus entries and/or options that are received after the closing date for entries are subject to a late entry fee. You do not need to tell us if entries for the June exam series are retakes. This is to support schools who may be uncertain about making entries because of the ongoing impact of the pandemic. Cambridge AICE Diploma
We have a range of resources to help, whether you are teaching remotely, returning to teaching in schools or adopting a blended teaching approach. By continuing to use this website you are giving your consent for us to, B1 Business Preliminary (BEC Preliminary), International language standards explained, Qualifications for schools and ministries, Learning to collaborate – opening up the exam/general English divide, Developing language skills with A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools vocabulary lists, B2 First for Schools posters, plans and activities, Assessing Writing - Introducing new Teacher Guides for the Assessment of Writing for A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools.
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