AUGH! jeu au top les graphismes excellent l humour toujours aussi bon et pour ceux qui ont des soucis au lancement du jeu pour ma part aucun souci jeu au top !! However, this is great even other villain minifigs could hideout here, add some green & purple and my lex luther minifig would be proud, its incredible 10/10 billund..Also you can never have enough Royal Guards.
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I hope that doesn’t extend to the rest of the world because as far as I’m aware Amazon is still only for books here in Australia. Evil, Garmadon, Jestro...Yeah baby, yeah! Des graphismes époustouflant et une histoire toujours à la Lego !
on sai meme pas si il von coriger se souci donc on ces peut être fait avoir, Enter a valid email please, you will need it to log in, You have to agree with the terms and privacy policy. Guess to unknown location to go all in Hogwarts style.
Lego just sent me an email suggesting to preorder this set for later release. Seriously though, I think this will probably sell well, but I just don't see the appeal. Aus den alten Legospielen wurde ein solch unglaublick gutes Spiel geschaffen das auch Shooter Spielern wie mir Spaß bereitet. The outside looks terrific and menacing, looks like something Vader would reside in.
Was hoping Krennic would be included as I didn't get his shuttle.
Un juego espectacular, lleno de emoción y nostalgia, lo he podido jugar durante horas y me he divertido muchisimo, desde los puzzles hasta las batallas estelares. Might have to get this when it’s a little cheaper though.
Grafica super.
75251 Darth Vader's Castle has been announced on this week's edition of The Star Wars Show ! Not sure if I will get this.
I think it’s great that this location is getting a set and I’m super impressed by it remaining a secret.
5 out of 5 ... Star Wars wedding, I love you I know, Han Solo and Princess Lea, personalized wedding sign, geek wedding, Star Wars theme wedding, wood sign Natürlich kann jeder es spielen. That medical pod chamber takes up a lot of space that I feel could've been used for something else, though at the same time I can't really think of what else they could've put, so it's not that big of a deal.The price is also a tad high IMO. There’s no word if it will be available elsewhere in the world. A lot of sets from Star Wars and even Superheroes have consisted of vehicles and very few location based kits. Kann das Spiel empfehlen. Great game as well, more fun with friends than in single player, Copyright © 2020 Instant Gaming - All rights reserved, rien ça pu le risotto n'achetez pas ce jeu si vous voulez vous amusez jouez à fortnite c'est mieux, bah encore rien c'est vraiment nul quand j'ai étais faire pipi aujourd'hui c'était plus divertissant que se jeu pas terrible. I loved the castle in Rogue One and in Secrets of the Empire, and I think this set does it justice. 35 sec to receive the codes, really fast and safeley, Delivered instantly, Game worked with out a flaw. Ademas lo puedes jugar con amigos en casa sin problema alguno y pudiendo modificar la eleccion de personajes que combinan para desbloquear areas completamente nuevas. First! @Bigo, I know what you mean?
A purely new-canon based set, and I don't really have any complaints.As soon as there's a decent discount, I'll buy it.Only downside for me is that Krennic, the IDMR project leader from Rogue One, is not included in the set.As for the castle itself, I'm not a fan of it being located on Mustafar, as it's such a cliché - almost Bowser-esque - to have an evil lair/retreat in a volcanic environment.
Saludos [email protected]!! You only get six figs, and one is a dupe. Now available at Lego shop for pre orderShipping early December! Surtout ce jeu est très bien fait ! Kept on thinking about buying it and glad I did. Ich empfehle es jeden der Star Wars mag, eines der besten Spiele dieses Jahres für Kinder. *Tags and requirements are for informational purposes. :D. Really happy to see a playset like this! j'ai acheter le jeux je le lance sur steam il se lance pas ecran noir pui sa crache et ces pas mon ordi qui bug car ma config est largement au dessus et plusieurs personne on déjà eu ce problème sur les commentaire de steam So it's not some weird new idea that Disney randomly decided to introduce, just one that the original trilogy didn't really have an appropriate opportunity to show or mention. The set could have at least included Vaneé for that price (might have thought about buying it if it did) and he would have been fairly easy to produce too. Nel caso in cui non vi piacciano ne i lego e ne la saga star wars, allora vi consiglio vivamente di lasciar stare. Das Legoentwickler studios hat das beste lego der letzten 3 Jahre raus gebracht. @judgeguy. Join me and I will complete my collection.
Always wanted this in Lego form, though this was lacking in rogue one. • Death Star II Battle (40407) Como cualquier juego lego, siempre tienes la certeza que te va a gustar lo que vas a ver, quizás sea muy continuista con la dinámica, pero el mundo star wars se puede permitir el continuismo, muy bueno la verdad. You can now reserve it on line @, site states will ship 1st December!
Las misiones ademas son larguitas dentro de lo que es. ©2020 The LEGO Group. Or is Amazon now going to retail exclusive Lego sets? I would have liked Vanee or Krennic, and the TIE looks iffy, but the set itself looks great. I'll wait though for images of the back. :). The collection and use of this information is subject to the privacy policy located here: I dont recognize it from any of the movies or TV shows. Das Spiel ist wie jeder andere Starwars Teil mal wieder ein Hit (allerdings kann es die OG Teile nicht übertreffen)
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