Welcome to gracing your lovely eyes with daily disposable contact lenses that are easy to wear and easy to love. SmarTears is only available in the DAILIES TOTAL1 product line.
With a different base material called Verofilcon A, PRECISION1 belongs to the FDA Group V-B (high-water content silicone hydrogels) and comes with Class-1 UV blocking while DAILIES TOTAL1 lacks that feature. productID:['92573'], DAILIES TOTAL1 ® contact lenses create a cushion of moisture on your eye making them so comfortable, you’ll forget you’re wearing them..
Visit MyAlcon to learn about DAILIES TOTAL1® water gradient one-day contact lenses with SmarTears® Technology.
PRECISION1™ contact lenses are designed for first-time wearers who want to embrace the freedom of life with daily contact lenses.
Start wearing contacts and soon one thing leads to another. Code: THANKS15
var t = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; t.parentNode.insertBefore(bsw, t); Auckland, NZ: 0800 101 106.
displayLanguage:'English', A prospective, controlled, double-masked clinical trial to evaluate the performance of PRECISION1™; Alcon data on file, 2018 (available upon request). vgoogle_ecommProdQuantity : ['1'] Suitable for single vision and designed for daily disposable use, simply put them in after you wake up, take the world by storm, and discard them before you head to bed! Figure 4: Average surface moisture break-up time per lens brand. Let us know what you think.
We’re getting a brand new line of daily disposable contact lenses by the contact lens giant called PRECISION 1 … We try hard but are not perfect. productLensWidth:'14.2', brontoCart = { rwdPage: '1',
vgoogle_ecommProdID : ['92573'], You can unsubscribe at any time. 10% with Auto-Refill Free Shipping over $99, Find the best prices from the most popular retailers. All rights reserved.
Everything you need to know – from how to start your free* 5-day trial to how to put them in each morning – is all right here. 1-4 If your prescription does not contain a BC value, this is likely because your brand of lens only comes in one base curve. vgoogle_ecommProdPrice : ['49.99'], Even the power of the lenses is generally not the same as in your eyeglass prescription. Save when you buy an annual supply of select contact lenses. 8.
The BC parameter you entered "" is not within the valid range of 5.0 - 10.0 and 36.5 - 50.0. 1-4 Purchase must be made by September 30, 2020. var utag_data = { (see terms), 30 lenses per box Also comes in 90 packs. productListPrice:['49.99'], 2* Moreover, five times more wearers in the study “strongly preferred” PRECISION1 over 1-Day ACUVUE Moist.
/* Cache busting for RequireJS by appending version, also setting baseUrl to be absolute for all JS libs including requireJS modules */
Lemp J, Kern J. Alcon multifocal contact lenses for presbyopia correction.
storeIPAddress:'185', They're made with verofilcon A material with Class I UV-blocking capabilities to absorb more than 90% of UVA and 99% of UVB. Deals that are worthy of your inbox. ©2020 Alcon Inc. Alcon Laboratories (Australia) Pty Ltd: 1800 224 153. } But it can be the start of something big.
First-time wearers:
Manufacturer: Alcon (Ciba Vision) Parameters: Base Curve: 8.3 Diameter: 14.2; Packaging: 30 lenses per box Also comes in 90 packs. Your prescription will also contain an expiration date.
A prospective, controlled, double-masked clinical trial to evaluate the performance of PRECISION1™; Alcon data on file, 2018 (available upon request). Promotions are subject to change without notice. Like doing-more-of-the-things-you-love big.
Please consult our Prescription Help Section and re-enter the parameter. categoryID:['AllContacts'],
transactionCurrency:'NZD', ©2020 Alcon Inc. Alcon Laboratories (Australia) Pty Ltd: 1800 224 153. productBrandList:['Alcon'], }
If your prescription has other numbers and/or notes, you may enter those extra parameters in the "Special Instructions" box at checkout.
PRECISION1 is priced below the DAILIES TOTAL1 and the SMARTSURFACE technology paired with UV blocking make this lens very attractive. Description .
"lineItems": [] The doctor fits the lens with the curvature most appropriate for your eye. productBrandType:['ThirdParty'],
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