(PROSE: Paradox Lost), The Doctor flew equine creatures called Halohawks across Kandalath, and then helped the Halohawks keeper, Jando, to entrap a gang of poachers. Because she's going to live. As his feelings and attachment to Clara grew, he became somewhat possessive of her and jealous of other men expressing attraction to her with Mr Clever sarcastically noting how eager he was to please Clara. Using the Eye to jump back in time before the Daleks attacked Earth, the Doctor constructed a vision disruptor to blind them and overloaded the magnetic field generator, causing the Daleks to lose the Eye and to have never used it to alter history. (TV: A Christmas Carol), Before one such Christmas adventure, the Doctor visited Winston Churchill and invited him on a trip to ancient Britain with him and Kazran. (TV: A Town Called Mercy). (COMIC: The Zentrabot Invasion), After a psychic projection of a sad woman appeared whilst the TARDIS was returning Abby and Danny home, the Doctor took the children with him to Philastra after tracing the projection there. (COMIC: Museum Piece), On Valentine's Day, the Doctor and Decky encountered a being calling himself Cupid, who was "spreading the love" across the world. Alice and Jones then travelled through the gate, finding nothing but lights, while Jones recovered from his illness. (From "The Eleventh Hour"), 2. (TV: Amy's Choice), The Doctor next came across a fake town with undercover robot assassins for residents, with a bomb set to destroy them. The Eleventh Doctor is ringing Clara from Trenzalore just before he regenerates, (they show footage of Clara replacing the Tardis police phone back on its hook.).
Fear can make you faster and cleverer and stronger. Still able to remember the events when everyone else forgot, the Doctor contemplated what had happened while back in the TARDIS. The Doctor discovered people were being mutated into hybrids of insects, plants and other animals by a gene splicer left behind by aliens that made the planet habitable. (HOMEVID: Good Night) He also liked music more contemporary, at one time visiting a studio to contribute some urban backing vocals. Are you going to save this one? The Doctor knew it would travel to the nearest Time Lord, despite there being none left. Inside the group mind, the Tenth Doctor turned off the city's force field, threatening to wipe them out with acid lest he change the timeline, and the Eleventh Doctor reprogramed the dimensional controls to return the Voord to the main universe. "Be a Doctor." (TV: The Day of the Doctor) He also wore cuffs on his sleeves. It's taken me all these years to realize that the laws of time are mine and they will obey me! ", Although this moment is a fan favorite, I think most of the work here is done by the music. (COMIC: Assimilation²), Info from The Mirror War, The Cornucopia Caper, Ghost Train, Le Tour de Death, The Sky is Falling!, The Time Gallery, The Nu-Humans, The Empty House, The Cliff Face, Bumble of Destruction, The Light Catcher, & Dungeon of the Lost needs to be added, After escaping the Firemen of Fleengarr, the Doctor and the Ponds saved the SS Greensleeves from invading space pirates, whilst also dealing with a creature that could use or absorb other lifeforms. It was caused by a dragon made of enamour, a mineral that made people love having it in their possession to the point of kleptomania. He says that, in terms of regenerations, the Tenth Doctor used two and the War Doctor also counted as one, meaning he has spent all twelve. Access exclusive energy deals! While on the submarine, the Doctor found that an Ice Warrior, Skaldak, had attacked the submarine, and attempted to convince the submarine's crew to be peaceful to him, but Lieutenant Stepashin stunned Skaldak with a cattle prod. (TV: A Town Called Mercy) He even endorsed River Song using a gun to kill agents of the Silence. (COMIC: The Doctor Shops for Comics), The Doctor and Alice visited 1923 Paris, where they defeated radioactive monsters coming out of the Seine. (HOMEVID: Rain Gods), Having attended a lecture by Brian Cox, the Doctor went back in time to intercept him before he gave the lecture. Picard refused at first, but after counselling from Guinean and Amy, and seeing the horrible future to come, Captain Picard finally agreed to an alliance. (TV: A Christmas Carol), He would accompany his tweed jackets with braces and bow ties, with colours ranging from burgundy, navy, and blue. TIE: "Like fire and ice and rage," and "The fury of the Time Lord." So I’m going to do it. However, the Doctor tricked the Battle Drones into eliminating the leading proto-form, and left the Astanzi a message to withdraw their invasion plans. —Dana Schwartz, "You're not the first to have come here.
(TV: The Rings of Akhaten) After the TARDIS demonstrated her antagonism toward Clara by deleting her bedroom, sending her through a time loop, and creating a holographic leopard while she was in the bathroom, (HOMEVID: Clara and the TARDIS) the Doctor and Clara made an arrangement: he would pick her up every Wednesday and they would have adventures, as she had responsibilities on Earth. As the Siren compulsively sought out the injured, the pirates took over the ship and left Earth to prevent her from reaching shore. However, the Doctor took her back to the museum to show her that the timeline was still intact, except for Vincent dedicated a sunflower painting to Amy. Strax: Did you? She had spent her childhood waiting for him to return.
Using the sonic screwdriver, the Doctor broke their psychic moderators, knocking them out and allowing himself and Alice to escape. (COMIC: Down to Earth) Unsuccessful in finding Melody, the Doctor refused to take any phone calls from Amy, who tried to periodically check up on the progress of his search, instead, listening to her message on the TARDIS answering machine. He told Clara that because the space between galaxies was so big, they were rarely seen, but each of the billions of macroscopic creatures out there were beautiful and unique, just like the trillions of microscopic ones on Earth. (COMIC: The Golden Ones), The Doctor and Amy also wrote a book called The Professor, the Queen and the Bookshop, with the characters being based on the Doctor's friends and enemies and the plot on his travels.
These two Doctors worked together to end the fighting between the humans and the Gangers, even switching roles to prove a point on how the two sides were similar. Does the Doctor say, “Amy, listen to me, I know you don’t remember, but you had this fiancé, and you’d actually decided to go through with the wedding after that time you sexually assaulted me, but he got drawn into the Crack in your wall—and I know that it’s got something to do with me. On Amy and Rory's wedding day, the Doctor was returned to the restored universe by Amy and attended her wedding reception, where he met her parents. After ensuring the survivors of the freighter were saved, the Doctor and his companions left, with the Doctor left curious about Agent 99. They then discovered that the Prometheans' craft was a "neural reverser", which the Prometheans used to regress humanity to the level of cavemen.
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