dark matter ending mass effect

He could never remember the man's name, didn't give a shit what he called himself, and it didn't really matter. Mass Effect Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Since then, The Prince of Dark Matter has been a bit of a sore loser. Back to the canon ending for a second. [26], In 1933, Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky, who studied galaxy clusters while working at the California Institute of Technology, made a similar inference. The arms of spiral galaxies rotate around the galactic center. On average, superclusters are expanding more slowly than the cosmic mean due to their gravity, while voids are expanding faster than average. A ", then I would agree with you -- I tried very intentionally to avoid that (as much as possible) in the three ending choices, through the whole "the reapers don't want a band-aid solution, but a permanent reversal of the effect" idea. Found inside Page 10More importantly, cosmologists have had to hypothesize the influence of two dark components in the cosmic fluid, of the matter content in the Universe, starting 24 Myr after the Big Bang on the left and ending with the filamentary Because dark matter has not yet been conclusively identified, many other hypotheses have emerged aiming to explain the observational phenomena that dark matter was conceived to explain. For radiation, the energy density decreases by a factor of 16 (=24), because any act whose effect increases the scale factor must also cause a proportional redshift[further explanation needed]. Other experiments include SIMPLE and PICASSO. [15] High-energy neutrino telescopes such as AMANDA, IceCube and ANTARES are searching for this signal. You're right that the balance of 1 option to kill the reapers vs 2 to side with them does seem a little off. [2], Primary evidence for dark matter comes from calculations showing that many galaxies would fly apart, or that they would not have formed or would not move as they do, if they did not contain a large amount of unseen matter. Here is a video of the Synthesis Ending which compares Synthesis in Mass Effect 3 to Saren's attempts at Synthesis in Mass Effect 1. Strong lensing is the observed distortion of background galaxies into arcs when their light passes through such a gravitational lens. There are many candidates for CDM including supersymmetric particles. 11 Disloyal Characters (Jack, Tali, Legion, Thane, And Samara) All disloyal characters in Mass Effect 2 have a greater chance of dyingif they survive, some will die in Mass Effect 3. [e] However, for the reasons outlined below, most scientists think the dark matter is dominated by a non-baryonic component, which is likely composed of a currently unknown fundamental particle (or similar exotic state). If each photon had just a tiny bit of mass, it could upend the theory of dark matter. The 100% Cured Ending. She remembers Councilor Tevoss words. 780. A later survey of about a thousand supernovae detected no gravitational lensing events, when about eight would be expected if intermediate-mass primordial black holes above a certain mass range accounted for the majority of dark matter. [55][56], Weak gravitational lensing investigates minute distortions of galaxies, using statistical analyses from vast galaxy surveys. To do this effectively, it is crucial to maintain a low background, and so such experiments operate deep underground to reduce the interference from cosmic rays. Well, through their adorable amateur meanderings, Ben and Andy try to tackle this thorny issue, by looking at Bioshock: Infinite, A.I, Mass Effect and many others. Prev. [152], The PAMELA experiment (launched in 2006) detected excess positrons. Krogan can live for at least as long and likely much longer, as Drack is ~1,400 years old. [148] In April 2012, an analysis of previously available data from its Large Area Telescope instrument produced statistical evidence of a 130GeV signal in the gamma radiation coming from the center of the Milky Way.

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dark matter ending mass effect